“Do you only like me because I’m easy?”
“Do you only like me because I’m a minor celebrity? And Doc, you’re
anything but easy.”
“You’re the one who’s hard to deal with.”
“I am hard,” Mozey said and brushed my hand over his groin. We are ridiculously happy and silly and riffing off of nervous energy. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. While you were dosing in anesthesia,
Obama changed up the whole immigration policy.”
“Are you shitting me?”
“Nope. You also missed race wars brought on by police brutality and
apparently, it’s now okay for us, and every other American to go to Cuba.” “How long was I out for?”
“Nearly a decade. But it’s cool because now you’re older than me.”
Lex picked us up at the airport, and I made sure that our reunion was the one of the greatest in the books. Complete with yelling his name when I was at the top of the ramp and running all the way down, checking other people so that I could throw myself into his arms.
“Lex!” I yelled when I reached him. “I’ve missed you so much!” Mozey took his time with the one bag we had between us. He clapped
Lex on the back in a brotherly sort of hug,
“Dude, your sister is fucking nuts.”
“Mom and Dad are coming to my place for dinner. I’ve got the futon in
the living room for you two to sleep on. Mom is bringing blini. Dad said to tell Mo he’s bringing vodka.”
“Yes!” Mozey said, raising both arms above his head. “Too bad I can’t have any, says my one lonely kidney. Let’s stop at a hardware store on the way to your place.”
I raise an eyebrow at him. He brings my hand to his mouth and gently bites the tips of my fingers.
I throw an arm around both of them, so overjoyed to finally be home.
We didn’t even get to make love that night. We ate and drank too much. Mozey ended up calling a cab for my parents well after two in the morning. We were once again sleeping on the floor in someone else’s house, but there’s no way I could have been any happier.
In the morning I dragged myself to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on a pot of coffee and read the note Lex had taped to the refrigerator.
Be back around 6:30. Help yourselves to anything. Welcome home! Lex
The only thing I want to help myself to is the man on the futon. Back into the living room, I stand and marvel at Mozey’s shirtless form.
He sleeps so peacefully, breathing evenly with rays of morning sunshine splaying across his body. They create golden streaks of light that illuminate stripes on his skin. His legs are twisted poetically in the sheets. He looks like an angel. But that’s just asleep, because once I wake him up, I know he’ll be a demon in bed.
I tease him with feather kisses along his neck all the way to his mouth. Then I nibble and bite my way back down again, his warm skin tasting like honey to my tongue. He smiles without opening his eyes. I untwist the sheets and pull them off him until his whole form is exposed. I drink in the beauty of his hard, sculpted body before taking his gorgeous cock in my mouth. I slide my lips up the rock solid length of him, creating suction as I go. He’s thick and so engorged, precum is already salting my tongue. He groans and smiles again, with his eyes still closed. His hands fly up to rest causally behind his head. He’s letting me worship him, allowing me to savor my very first taste of him.
My fist pumps the base of his shaft in rhythm with my mouth. I cup his balls and feel their loaded weight in the palm of my hand. I bob my head as his hips thrust into my face, until he’s so tense and hard against my tongue, I can tell he’s minutes away. I pull back and sit up, my legs curling underneath me, smiling at Mozey’s body, at his amazing erection—at finally having the taste of him in my mouth.
Mozey squints one eye open and smiles back at me. He raises his eyebrow like he’s curious about why I’ve stopped and now I’m staring. He raises himself from the futon and tackles me. His full weight crushes me down on the opposite end of the bed. He parts my thighs with his knees and teases my breast with his tongue until my nipple is hard and hot in his glorious mouth. He rubs the length of his stiff cock over my entry that’s swollen with longing and slick from desire. He pushes just the head in and my hips thrust forward in desperation. I could easily come from this teasing alone. We’ve been denied one another’s bodies for so long that the anticipation is enough to make me combust. He slides in to the hilt. I gasp louder than I mean to and bite down on my lip. My muscles expand and contract to make room for him. My neck arches back at the rush of finally feeling him. I try to roll my hips against him, but Mozey holds me still and struggles not to grin.
“Doc, you’re so eager to fuck me,” he says smugly.
“So…” I say defensively.