Rosa sets down her juice and folds her arms over her chest. She’s wearing pink-and-white-striped pajamas, her dark hair piled high on her head. She still looks so young, but when she gives me that look, our mother’s fierceness shines in her eyes. “Hit me.”
I look at Marco, and he dips his chin.
“Xander will be accompanying you to and from school for the rest of the semester.”
Rosa blinks.
“No sleepovers at friend’s houses, or going to the mall. You will go to school in the morning and come straight home. You will stay at the house on weekends, or I will personally drive you into the city with me to stay at the penthouse where you will not leave my sight. Are we clear?”
Rosa looks to Marco. “This is a joke, right?”
Marco shakes his head.
“This is no joke, Rosa.” I set down my coffee. “This is serious.”
“Why are you putting me on house arrest?”
“That’s a need to know issue.”
“You’ll do as I say, or I will bring you to the city. Your choice. This is not a negotiation.”
“So, I have to choose between a full-time babysitter or being locked up for the rest of my life?”
“Teenagers.” Marco scoffs.
“Fuck you,” Rosa spits at him before getting to her feet. “Fuck both of you?—”
Rosa freezes as my tone, and this time, I take the lid off my rage.
“Sit. The fuck. Down.”
She does.
“This is serious, and you need to fucking do as you’re told for once in your fucking life. Do you think this is a joke to me? That I am doing this for shits and giggles?
“N-no, but?—”
“But nothing. This is what it’ll be like, so deal with it, or I’ll deal for you. Have I made myself clear?”
Rosa is silent for a moment, looking down at her lap. “Is someone after me?”
Marco glances at me, but I shake my head.
I don’t want to freak her out more than I have to.
“They’re after me. But I’m not taking any chances.”
“Trust me, sis, Andre wanted to pull you out of school entirely.”
“What?” Rosa exclaims, looking at me with daggers in her eyes.
“Like I said, your choice.”
She huffs. “I can look after myself, Andre.”