Maddy shifts again, rubbing her cheek against my shoulder and raising her face toward me, but her eyes are closed, and there’s this cute sound coming from her—she is sleeping. Her body relaxes, naturally sagging against mine. Her expression is so peaceful like there is no worry in the world.
I wish I was the man who could make her feel that safe all the time.
But I don’t deserve her. I don’t deserve the little dude snoring on the couch. And I definitely don’t deserve her kissing me.
But I am a criminal, right? And I always take what I want.
So carefully, so as not to wake her, I lean over and press my lips to hers just for a second, stealing the first kiss.
It’s barely six in the morning when my phone rings.
Maddy shifts on my chest. We haven’t moved or changed positions from how we fell asleep. It’s quiet outside, the rain still clacking against the windows, but the winds subsided.
I pick up my phone. It’s Archer.
“What’s up?” I ask.
“We have a situation.”
Maddy lifts her sleepy face at me and squints, my arm falling from her shoulder. I silently curse Archer with every word possible for breaking this moment with her.
“What kind of situation?” I ask.
“There’s a riot in Port Mrei.”
The news makes me disentangle myself from Maddy and swing my feet off the bed.
“Bad?” I ask.
“Worse than we could have ever expected, Raven. Butcher’s guys are destroying the surveillance cameras. We are losing Port Mrei minute by minute.”
“I’ll be right there,” I say as I put on my shoes.
Sonny is fast asleep.
Maddy is wide awake, scrambling off the bed and hugging herself with her arms. “Something happened?”
I don’t answer. I don’t want her to be worried.
I call Ali, tell him to get to Maddy, and cast one last glance at her. “You’ll be all right,” I say, then nod to sleeping Sonny. “This little dude can sleep through another world war,” I say, making Maddy smile.
There. At least I leave her smiling.
“Be careful,” she says as I close the door behind me and smile at her words as I walk into the rain.
It’s surprisingly loud at the Center. Something is definitely happening. The sky-color ceilings are bright and sunny. The waterfall soundtrack in the background is peaceful. It smells like coffee and rain. But dozens of people gathered here are agitated. Marlow and his security team stand in front of the row of dozens of screens on the wall, showing live surveillance footage.
I walk fast toward him and notice Archer, Ortiz, and Bishop already here.
“What’s happening?” I ask, raking my fingers through my wet hair as I look at one of the screens.
Oh, fuck…
My blood chills at the sight.