"Ah, so not really off." I tease.
"Never." He laughs.
I look at my mom, "Are you ready?"
"Yeah, let’s go."
The four of us head out to the garage and get into my car, starting our girl’s day out.
First lunch, enjoying my time with my girls, even though they are being on their best behavior, because of my mother, but I appreciate it in a way as well.
We laugh, we talk, and I see my mom the way she was when I was younger, before my dad died. The one that was happy and wasn’t so damn judgmental. In all honesty, she has no room to judge anyone. But we all live and learn from our mistakes. And I am willing to move on from this, if she is, and she can accept me for who I am, who I am proud to be.
After enjoying a lunch with laughs, we walk to a few of the shops close by, picking up a few new pieces of clothing.
"Thank you for today, Macie." I turn from looking at a shirt on the clothing rack, looking back at my mom.
"You’re welcome, Mom. I just wish it didn’t take this long for us to do this."
"And that’s my fault Macie."
I watch my mother tear up and I give her a smile, wrapping my hand around her wrist, "Not here Mom. But soon, we will have that talk, right now, we can enjoy our time together. Repairing us."
A tear falls to her cheek, and I embrace her with a hug.
So, I have to admit, my mother’s drinking problem may have been the cause of the way she treated me, left me, whatever you want to call it.
"You are just like your father. No wonder Jax calls you Angel."
I huff my smile with that, searching her eyes, "Yeah, among this hair too." I fluff my hair jokingly and she laughs, wiping the tear from her cheek.
Keri strolls over holding this gorgeous red dress up and my mouth waters.
"Oh my"
"Right!" Keri wiggles the dress at me, "All you, go try it on."
And I do, I snatch the dress from her hand, and she giggles before I’m off to the dressing room.
Slipping out of my clothes, I slip into the dress. Loving the feel of the fabric, what fabric is there, and a great dress to go dancing in. The back is open, only the single thin tie, it's fitting, hugging my features perfectly, even giving the girls a little extra lift up; I have to have it.
I snap a picture, giving a good sexy pose and send it to Jax with a message to go along with it.
You win tonight, I’ll wear this.
That’ll entice him; I giggle, slipping out of the dress and back into my clothes, before I meet the girls again. Checking out I ask if the dress can be cleaned and ready in an hour and they assure me they can so, I leave my new dress to have it prepared for tonight.
If Jax wins we all know that involves the typical after game dinner, and well, the after party I know will happen because the team is here, and this is a big game for the guys.
We spent most of the day exploring the new town I now live in, haven’t had the chance to do this yet, and I enjoy my time with my girls and my mom. I’m so happy, I’m finally getting what I want. And now, all I want is more with Jax, I can’t get him off my mind.
After we get home from our outing, I get the girls set up in the guest bedroom to get ready for tonight, and my mom leaves with Paul to meet them later at the game. Of course, the guys are still filling my house, but I pay no mind to them and do my thing.
My phone vibrates on my nightstand, and I pick it up, finally getting a reply from Jax. Knowing game days are busy, lots of prep work, stretching, running, a few drills will be played, and now he’s finally getting to chill before the game in two hours.
Damn Angel, that’s what I’m talking about.
I giggle to myself.