I know the guys are worried and it was unfortunate they walked in when they did, knowing that trick can look scary. It is, and they are right. If I fuck up I can fall, and I will land on my head and break my neck.
This is a trick I am also confident in. It was one of the first experienced tricks I learned, I’ve been doing it for years now. But, every trick I do is dangerous, any fall can break my neck or a limb if I land wrong and with some, you can be killed.
The last few days, I have been practicing hard, all day, throughout the night when my mind would race at night, causing me to not sleep. I also know, it’s time to take the night off and let my body and mind prepare for tomorrow.
My make it or break it moment. The show that will either set me up to go places, start my career, or shut me and my dream down. I know the pressure I have on myself, and I know what this all means to me; I can’t fuck up.
After finishing my shower, I throw on some leggings and a t-shirt, gathering the hem of the t-shirt at my side, pulling it tight, because well, it kind of swallows me; I tie it into a knot. Throwing my hair up, not wanting to deal with it.
I make my way downstairs, finding the guys surprisingly cleaning up the kitchen; Well, I’ll be damned, I think my training is going well. They’ll all make great house dads one day.
I giggle to myself as I continue to make my way to them.
"Thanks Mac." I give Koda a smile as I round the counter and ask "You guys ready to go shopping." I wiggle my brows playfully, hoping to have a good laugh with these three goobers tonight.
"This could be dangerous." Sully chuckles and I giggle, knowing he is right, it could be.
They finish up and I watch, pleased with myself.
After the guys finished cleaning up, we get out to the garage, before getting in Koda's car, Jax and I sit in the back, and I snuggle up beside him.
We’ve both been busy since our date night. He has his first game in two days, and my show is tomorrow night. His practices have been running all day, but it’s given me the time I need to be alone and focus on my routine.
I lay the back of my head on Jax’s lap, laying on my back across the seat as I look up to him, "Are you ready for your first pro game?"
He tilts his head before it nods, "Yeah, I’m ready."
"Are you ready for your big show?" He grins.
I nod, I am ready, but I am so, so, nervous. "Yeah, I’m nervous, but I’m ready."
The palm of his hand presses to my cheek as the pad of his thumb trails across my skin, "You know, it’s a good thing to be nervous, Angel."
"I know, but this is a big deal Jax."
"I know it is; What do you want me to do?"
I shake my head with my smile, "Nothing" I whisper as my hand curls around his wrist, holding the stare our eyes are locked in.
His fingers curl into the nape of my neck as he lifts my head from his lap, leaning down himself, bringing my lips to his.
He whispers, "Stop thinking about it, it’s just another night at the club."
I smile against his lips; he does know what to say.
I press my lips to his and he deepens it. Not paying attention to Sully and Koda in the front, not really giving a shit either; We’re all adults here.
Jax pulls back before he presses a kiss on my nose, then my forehead before he sits back up and my head lays on his lap again.
Arriving at the grocery store, as we walk in, Jax and Sully grab carts. Jax playfully holds his hand out, gesturing me to the cart, "Your chariot awaits."
"What?" I laugh.
He picks me up and puts me in the cart and I sit down, going with it; Fuck it, he can push me around, I don’t mind.
"Too kind my Sir." I say to him playfully as I flip my hair over my shoulder, looking forward, before the four of us are in a fit of laughter.
Maybe it wasn’t a good idea for all of us to do this.