“Jax, just leave it alone, I dance, that’s all you need to know.” She snaps then turns and I almost run into her with her abrupt stop. I look down into her eyes, her words are filled with a plea, “let it go Jax, please.”
I search her eyes, not liking that she is hiding something, she’s dancing at night. What the fuck. I don’t like this one fucking bit. Does Dakota know what she does at night?
“Alright, I’ll let it go for now, but I will find out what you’re hiding.”
“You do that, have fun trying.” Her tone filled with her sass before shooting me a wink as she shoves a box in my hands.
“Get to work big boy.” Smiling before she turns and is gone.
What the fuck! Yeah, this is not good. Fucking big boy; Girl you have no idea and I have a feeling my little angel is going to fuck around and find out with this little flirty shit she’s doing.
I said the wrong thing. I shouldn’t have told him I work at night, but I guess he would find out anyways. Mom and Dakota know I work at night, but I told them I worked in a department store, stocking shelves.
What a complete lie that is. I hate that I lie to them, but I really want to get out of this town. There’s nothing here for me. My mom’s happy now, I don’t have to worry about leaving her alone, so I don’t feel bad for wanting to leave. Dakota will be fine, his life is hockey, and who knows he may leave to play on another team too.
I keep carrying boxes from the house, avoiding being in the same room as Jax, avoiding him asking me even more questions he doesn’t need to know the answer to.
I catch a glimpse of Jax and Dakota putting my mother’s dresser in the truck, stopping myself to lean against the window frame and watch them. I chew my lip, taming down the smile that wants to crack, watching Jax lift the dresser with ease, the muscles in his back flexing and moving with his movements, his skin glistens with sweat from the hot sun hitting against it.
I had a lot of fun with him at the wedding that I didn’t really expect. It was a good time, and it was even better when his hands were all over my body dancing.
They all tried to get me to stay, but I refused, I wanted to go home.
“What are you doing honey?” Snapping my head over with my mother’s words, seeing her in the doorway of my bedroom.
“Nothing, sorry, I was day dreaming.”
“Mm hmm… I bet you were.”
“Mom don’t even start.”
“What, I’m just saying you and Jax looked like you had a lot of fun at the wedding.”
“We did, but there’s nothing to that mom, he is my stepbrother now.”
“Oh, pshh… If you two grew up together, then I might judge you, but you didn’t.”
“We did too Mom. I’ve known most of the team my whole life.”
I shake my head with my eye roll, grabbing my last box from my room and walk to the door.
I turn and look into my room that has been my room since I came home from the hospital, nineteen years ago, and it lays empty. My jaw stings as the tears begin to pool in my eyes, making me feel like the last part of my dad is in this empty room.
It hurts. I miss him so much.
“Sweetheart I know this is hard.”
I sniffle up my tears, wiping my cheeks and I look to her. “It is, but I’m happier for you now mom.”
Which is the truth, I am. I was already planning on leaving. I just wasn’t ready yet.
“I’ll see you at Paul’s.”
Shooting her a fake smile, trying to keep my emotions to myself.