Page 42 of Puck It!

"You guys worked hard to be here, now don’t fuck it up." She lays her head against my arm again as she looks out the windshield, just catching a vibe from the people we will be around.

You know, you can’t trust everyone, you always have to watch your back, and I’ve got Macie to worry about. "Alright, let’s get the fuck out of here, we’ll be here tomorrow."

I put my truck in drive, and pull from the parking lot, heading to the address on my GPS.


The excitement takes me over when we pull into the driveway of our new place as my eyes dart around looking at everything.

I wrap my arms around Jax, before I kiss his cheek and whisper, "I'm still going to thank you a million times." Because I am. He is giving me back... Me.

I kiss his cheek again, before I start shooing Sully to hurry up and get out of the truck so I can go explore. Yes, I'm totally being that girl, I'm excited, excited like I haven't been in a long time.

Hearing Jax and Sully laughing behind me as I slide my phone from my pocket and take a picture of our new house and send it to Dakota; I really wish he would’ve come along.

He texts me back right away…

Damn sis, ya’ll got hooked up.

I giggle to that, before I type back my message.

Wish you were here Dakota. Talk later, going to go explore.

I watch the little dots come across the screen.

Give’m hell Macie.

That brings a smile to my face, locking my screen as I tuck my phone in my pocket as Jax plugs in the code to get in the front door, and we go inside, and the exploring begins.

Admiring the tall ceilings, making my mind swirl with ideas, loving the darker grey interior, but the big windows that let in all the sun light.

Jax and Sully start getting stuff out of the truck as I continue my exploring, taking it all in, the freedom, the memories that have already started to be made. Or, should I say continue to be made. We share memories already, a lot of them.

Managing to find my way upstairs, as I walk down the hallway, I open doors, eyeing up the rooms, of course seeing which room I’m calling dibs on, and I find my way to the master bedroom and, boom, mine.

Loving that I have this freedom now and I have to make the best of it like I have already begun to do.

We manage to get what we crammed in the truck put away, Sully gets his room, and we all know where Jax is, with me of course.

As they take showers, I order a pizza, even though the kitchen is stocked, which I thought was pretty cool. Their new Coach made this shit happen for them just as much as they made it happen quick for him.

I sneak into the bathroom, Jax not noticing me as his back is turned, admiring that bare ass; nice ass might I add. Damn these hockey players.

I slide up on the counter and just watch him, he doesn’t even know I’m here and I try so hard to keep my laugh in as I watch him wash his hair and my lip rolls between my teeth with the muscles flexing in his back, before he starts to turn.

He looks up and I lift my brow, "Nice ass." I tease.

"What the fuck Macie" He laughs his words, before the door flies open and he snatches me off the counter and pulls me under the water, pulling me into him with his hand wrapping around the nape of my neck as he towers over me, blocking the water from drowning me as I look up at him.

"You are encouraging a very hot fire, Angel."

"Mhm. Well. I do rather be hot than cold" My words whisper filled with seduction, encouraging his fire.

He growls as his hand slides up, entangling in my hair before he fists my hair, pulling my head back, his lips are on mine, and he starts tearing at my shirt.

I help him, I start tearing at my shirt and it gets a little frenzied and we manage to make our way out of the shower and into the bed as I straddle his lap.

As our kiss only becomes hotter, his hands against my wet body slide over my breasts as my hips rock, feeling his hard shaft slide between my legs.