Page 2 of Puck It!

“Well don’t you look like a million bucks.” I crack a laugh with Dakota’s playful tone.

“I was just about to say the same about you bro.” I joke.

“I know right, look at me, fucking stud.” He throws his arms up and spins around, my stomach begins to hurt with my laughter watching him be his goof ball self.

“You’re special Dakota, you know that.”

“Yup.” He shoots me a playful wink and I shake my head laughing.

Mom gets down with us and they get her all set up and ready to go before the doors open and we have to start walking down the aisle. I hate this kind of attention, plus this kind of shit makes me emotional.

Watching my mom’s bridesmaids’ line up in front of me. I stay in the back of the line as I’m her maid of honor, which should most definitely be her friend Sue. But she asked me to stand next to her so, here I am.

“Thank you, guys, for supporting me on this.” My mom softly whispers behind me pulling at my heart. Damn it mom.

Her words pull tears to my eyes, knowing how lonely she has been for the last six years since my dad died.

“Always Ma, we are always here for you.” And my brother, her baby boy, says his kind words full of meaning.

“Alright enough of this emotional shit Mom, before your face has mascara running down it.” I giggle my words, because I know it’s true.

“Alright, alright, let’s do this guys.” She giggles out as she pats her cheeks with a tissue, drying up her tears.

My brother and I share a stare before our head nod and I turn as the doors open. The fresh breeze from outside blows through the doors and fills my lungs.

The music starts and the bridesmaids start their walk. I look out, noticing all the guests here; jeez, mom got what she wanted, this is one hell of a shindig.

I start my strides, avoiding locking eyes with anyone, until I look up and meet Paul’s gaze on me and I shoot him a tight smile before my eyes snap over, and they lock hard on Jax.

Fuck me twice, if he doesn’t look like an edible sticky piece of candy.

Our eyes stay locked, and he curls those lips into that cocky smile, and I can’t help biting my bottom lip before I realize what the fuck I’m doing and pull my gaze away.

Jesus Christ Macie, he’s going to be your stepbrother, off limits Macie. No, no, no!

Falling into my place, I turn and watch my mother walk down the aisle, trying to keep the tears from falling and my hormones in check. My brother gives my mother away, falling behind Jax, of course I turn and look up meeting Jax’s staring gaze right on me.

Okay, I’ve been around these guys a long time, and of course they all frazzle me with their hard bodies, but I have never had to squeeze my legs tighter with how aroused I feel with the way his eyes burn into my soul.

Oh boy…


I hate my father for marrying Dakota and Macie’s mother.

For one, Dakota’s my best friend, we’ve known each other since we were boys. But more importantly, he’s marrying the mother of the girl I’ve secretly been obsessed with. And God damn is that dress doing things for her.

She flips that long blonde hair from her shoulder, and my gaze drops to her neck, before I look back up meeting those baby blues and when she smiles, my cock throbs. I'm addicted to that smile.

I can’t take my eyes off her, I never can when she’s around. Now she’s going to be living in our house; I don’t know if I can keep my shit in check.

It’s been easy just avoiding her, we don’t see each other that much but when we do, fuck me.

She avoids my gaze on her, but occasionally looking up meeting mine, and every time she finds me looking at her.

I tell ya, I can’t take my eyes off her.

She’s different than the other girls around here, and I tend to like different, a challenge. And Macie is most definitely a challenge.