I chew my inner lip, watching them laugh and joke around the table, slamming back their drinks, feeling the heat spread to my cheeks as my eyes check Jax out. I could let that man do whatever he wanted to me and be perfectly fine with it. This is going to be a very long night.
Adjusting my mask, making sure I pinned it tight enough to my hair before it’s time to go on. Keri steps up beside me and she wiggles her fingers at me, and I return it, our thing we do. Our show faces go on, our hips pop, and we are out on the stage and my stomach rises to my throat as I walk to the pole right in front of the guys.
I tried to avoid their gaze, but I catch a glimpse of Jax looking right at me, holding that cocky, knowing grin. That's when I realized he knew. I feel it, I feel like this is a total set up. My smile cracks as my hand wraps around the pole, the music starts, and I lift myself up.
My legs go above my head, with my hands wrapped tightly around the pole, using the strength in my arms, I rotate my body and bring my legs out beside me, as I swing, before my legs split and I am going into another trick.
Keri on the pole beside me doing the same tricks while Bree and three other girls do their chair routines. It’s a show. I unfortunately can’t make this PG, and my brother thank God has his eyes on Bree. But Jax, he fucking knows it’s me.
The deeper I get into my routine, my arms and stomach burn from the muscles being used to do these tricks, finally getting to the part where I can get back on the floor. I slide to the floor into a split, before my hips rock, looking back over my shoulder, blowing a kiss, part of my routine, I do it directly at Jax.
I roll back and lay flat on my back, my arms go out as my knees bend, flattening my heels against the floor, my back arches from the floor as I tilt my head back. I’m only a few feet from Jax’s lap and when my gaze meets his eyes carrying a deep primal desire, like he is stalking his prey, ready to feast.
His nostrils flare as his jaw twists, our eyes fight a battle I do not know how to describe. I bite my bottom lip, before I peel my back the rest of the way up into a sitting position, my legs slide out into a split, rocking forward, they slide across the floor behind me, out of my split, so my stomach is now on the floor.
Pulling my knees up, I peel my stomach from the floor, getting to my hands and knees, before my knees slide out, working in slow circles, in and out, grinding into the floor. Knowing he has a perfect view of my ass right now, I continue my routine, playing the part of course.
It goes on, and on all night, changing girls out, but there are more times I’m on stage than off.
I was fucking right. She thinks she is slick, but I know those eyes, and that body. I’ve noticed Koda not paying her any mind, which makes me think he knows it’s her. I can’t sit here and say I don’t find this hot as fuck. The way she twists herself around that pole, holding her own weight, and now, I know why she is as strong as she is.
As hot as it is, you can see how happy it makes her, and how she gets lost in it. She is in her own little world with her methodical little movements. My girls got talent.
I see how the guys are looking at her, they don’t know it’s her. Sully next to me and I swear I see drool running out of the corner of his mouth. I don’t like it at all. Well, I do. My dick is so fucking hard right now, just begging to be inside her pussy. Craving to say fuck it and take what I’ve wanted for years.
The way her eyes keep meeting mine as she shoots me those little smiles, I’m ready to rip her off this stage. I am saying fuck it, before she is gone.
The more I danced, the darker Jax’s eyes got, and now I am most certain, those roses are from him, and he is not happy I am here.
But who is he? He is no one that can tell me what to do, that is for sure. I want out of here, and this is how I’m getting what I want. I don’t strip, I just dance in a way that will make a man, or woman, come in their pants. It arouses me too. And I really enjoy it. It’s fun, the girls are a lot of fun, and I feel like I belong here more than I have anywhere else.
Ending my final dance of the night, my eyes are heavy, but I keep them as bright as they can be when they lock on Jax’s.
He holds his hands up, giving me a small applause playfully, the heat rushes to my cheeks as I giggle to myself. Pulling my gaze away, I walk off stage. Thank God.
I get back into my dressing room and I fall back into my lounge cushioned chair and catch my breath from the night. I slide the mask from my face and lay my head back, my eyes fall closed with my sigh escaping my lungs. Well, this was fun.
Dancing in front of the guys all night, not knowing how this is going to go when I get home, praying my brother didn’t realize, sure Jax knows.
My door flies open, picking my head up, my eyes widen with the sight of Jax stepping into my room, shutting the door behind him.
“You need to leave before you get me in trouble.”
“I’m not going any-fucking-where until you start talking.” He snarls.
I snort a laugh and sit up straighter in my chair “What’s there to talk about Jax. I dance here so I can make enough money to get the fuck out of here, end of story.”
“It stops tonight.” Growling his words making me cock a brow and I stand from my chair, holding my twisted smile, he does not know me all that well.
“You will not tell me what to do, you have no right to.”
“How much money do you need?”
“Oh, no, you will not throw money in my face. I don’t know what has gotten into you since the wedding, but…” I trail off, as I swallow hard, not really wanting to say stop, but I have to, “It needs to stop.”