Page 64 of Puck It!

The back tire of his motorcycle kicks out as he slides to a stop, and I get out of the car.

He rips his helmet off and growls, "What the fuck Macie!"

He advances me and I curl my lip throwing my hand up, "NO! You listen this time."

He stops and holds his dangerous gaze on me.

"I will not watch you throw your career away. If you get in trouble, you can kiss it goodbye."

"You think that matters to me Macie. He hurt you."

"Yeah, he did, so why are you acting like this?"

"Did you really just ask me that?"

"Jax, I’m not going to fight you, it’s either you leave this alone and move on from it like I did, or you can do what you want, but I will not be here to watch it happen."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means, you will have no chance with me if you go after Corey."

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, I’m promising you." I turn and walk away from him, swallowing hard, fighting the tears that want to pour from my eyes, I get back into my car and pull away, leaving him standing there.

I guess we’ll find out what he wants more.

I drive to my spot, to see my dad, with tears in my eyes, and the pain I've felt for years swallows me.

I can't take this anymore. Every time I see the light, the darkness works its way back in and takes what I have good. I will not let it happen to me again. I won't let this stop me from doing what I want. I will be at that show next weekend, no matter if I have support, or even someone in the crowd just for me. I will do it, it's my time.

I pull up to my spot and get out and walk over to the ledge, I sit down and stare out into the familiar scenery that I have missed but, haven't.

I love being here, I do, but all I want is to leave. And I am.

Everything plays in my head of the events that happened yesterday, and I feel so betrayed. Right when I start to open my heart, I close it again. Unable to trust, unable to love, unable to feel. Why? Why me.

I don't sit here long. I say my peace that needs to be said with my father before I get up and brush the dirt from my ass and I walk back to my car.

I go home, to get the bag I had brought, hoping to avoid them all; I just don't want to deal with anyone right now. I'll drive myself back. I do not care.

I pull into the driveway, thankfully no one is home, and in a way, I was hoping Jax would be here. I guess he made his choice.

Quickly changing my clothes, I stuff my bag and I'm out the door.

When I get downstairs, I'm met with the glorious mother of mine. That's a joke.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?"

"No Mom, I'm not but you don't get to be here for me now." I drop my gaze from her, and I walk past her.

"Macie stop!" Ignoring her, I just keep walking out the door, straight for my car.

"Where are you going?" I spin around, hearing Jax's voice.

"I'm leaving."

"I see that, where are you going?" He asks with caution in his tone.