Page 1 of Puck It!

Gaining a Family


My mother’s getting married to the coach of my brother’s hockey team. Which means I gain a stepfather, and a stepbrother today.

Oh, the joys.

I’ve never been good with their relationship; I miss my dad. I’ve also never had a good relationship with my mom; I’m a daddy’s girl, and she tends to revolve her world around my brother and his hockey so, it’s me against them all.

I’m a dancer, I can skate, I used to skate, but not anymore. My mom wanted me to be the ice princess, take her place at the rink, and on the competition team, but that’s not for me.

I like to feel the vibration of the music join my soul through my feet from the dance floor. But here’s the thing, I’m not always on the floor.

I’m an exotic dancer that enjoys hanging from silks. It’s not all I do; I do floor dances with the girls too.

I work at a private club at night to make extra money so I can get the hell out of here. I’m nineteen and as much as I’m able and ready to live on my own, I can’t afford it.

So, the easiest way, since I’m already a dancer, and the fastest way for me to get money was working at the club.

I work undercover to not give my identity away, since everyone knows everyone around here in this town, and likes to talk.

It works, I’ve been doing it for a while now, and I am so close to having what I want saved up, to leave this town. Then three days a week, I am at the rink, teaching kids how to skate.

My mother had to put a pause to it all with her brilliant idea of marrying Paul; I swear she’s only marrying him because he has money. And after today, we move into his house, hating the idea I have to pack up my stuff from the house I’ve grown up in, and move to Paul’s instead of moving to my own place, but it is what it is.

I’m kind of a go with the flow type of girl, until I’m not, then nothing changes my mind. I do see how happy my mom is as I watch her, and her friends get themselves all pampered up for the wedding.

I’m dressed, my hair is done, make up perfected by the make-up artist. Oh yeah, my mom is having the wedding of her dreams. It’s a big fancy one too.

My brother, Dakota, is four years older than me, and still lives at home with us. He has no plans on finding his own place either. And now with Paul’s house is like a hotel, so we won’t be seeing each other often.

We haven’t gotten to the good part of this all.

The fucking eye candy I get to look at in my new home is so delicious looking. Jax is a fucking god and not only my soon to be step brother, he’s also my brother’s best friend.

Jax is his own person, he’s the popular one, he’s the captain of the team, of course he is, his father is the coach.

But he's tall, seven foot actually; they are all tall compared to my five foot little self. Jax is fit to the max, and the older he gets, the harder that jawline gets, of course always covered with a little something, never completely shaved, but always trimmed and maintained. But his eyes, he has the prettiest green eyes I've ever fucking seen. Kind of jealous of his long ass eyelashes.

I’ve grown up around most of the guys on the team, being the little sister dragged to the games I really had no interest in watching. Though, I did always enjoy watching them beat the hell out of each other; I loved that part.

The atmosphere is what pulls you in, and they give you the show. It’s a great time.

“Are you ready Macie?” My mother’s voice breaks my attention from staring out the window at the ceremony starting to fall into place outside.

“Yeah, are you?” I lift a brow with my question, holding my playful gaze on her as she spits out “Why would you ask that? You know I love Paul.”

I giggle to that as I stand. “I’m only joking mom, you look beautiful, now let’s go get you married.”

“Thank you honey, so do you; hopefully soon it will be you walking down the aisle.” I snort a laugh before my words come out filled with sarcasm. “I highly doubt that ma.”

“You never know.” She gives me that playful look and I just shake my head, ignoring her crap about me finding a man, getting married, having kids, you know what’s in the play book for us women.

But I don’t exactly feel the same way she does. Mostly because I enjoy doing what I want, and hate being told what to do. Also, I haven’t found anyone that I would want to do all that with.

Fuck I’m only nineteen. I didn’t really think I need to worry with it yet.

Making my way down to the ceremony, my eyes falling to my brother walking towards us. God, he looks like dad.