“You look terrible, darling,” Lissa said. “I haven’t seen her this morning, no. I assumed you two were, ah… having a bit of a lie-in.”
“No,” I said. “She was gone when I woke up, and she’s not in the house.” My voice was starting to get away from me, going thin and frantic. “Do you think someone could have taken her? The manor is fairly secure, but the people we’re up against seem to have a great deal of resources at their disposal. I mean, they managed to take Nathan right from under our noses, and?—”
“Gabriel,” Theo said. “Deep breath, okay?”
“Maybe she just went out,” Lissa said.
“I just…” I bit my lip. “I have a bad feeling about this.”
“Evangeline’s strong,” Vic said. “She can take care of herself.”
“I know,” I said. “I know.”
“If someone broke in, they would have left signs of it,” Lissa said, tapping a manicured finger against the rim of her mug. “Do any of the rooms look as though someone tried to search them? Your study, perhaps?”
“I haven’t checked the study,” I said, then jolted into motion, practically running back into the house. My studio door was half-open, and I could feel my long-dead heart hammering in my throat.
I slipped inside, bracing myself for a room that had been thoroughly tossed, but it looked… well, normal. The fear was curdling, turning into something strange but just as unpleasant. I felt as though I was viewing my own body remotely as I stepped around the desk and pulled open the drawer where I’d put the box containing the array for safe keeping.
The drawer was empty. I sat heavily in my desk chair, collapsing like a puppet with its strings cut. It was only then that the folded slip of paper on my desk caught my eye.
Hopefully I’ll be back before you wake up, but I’m leaving this just in case. I figured out why I had such a hard time pinpointing where they’d hid the array yesterday—the wards were reacting to having a vampire nearby, so I’m heading back solo. Well, solo plus Isabella, so not really solo, I guess. Anyway, I’ll be back ASAP.
A lead ball sank into the depths of my stomach. Perhaps the note should have soothed my nerves, but it had only made them that much worse. Evangeline had hoped to be back before I woke, and it was already nearly noon. I yanked out my phone with a clumsy hand and dialed Evangeline’s number. The phone rang once, and then a polite, robotic voice informed me that the number I was trying to reach was unavailable at this time. The line went dead.
My hands shook ever so slightly as I tried calling Isabella instead. Again, one ring, the same robotic message, and the call ended. I shot up to my feet, pacing frantically around the room and then dashing back out to the garden.
“Something’s happened,” I said, thrusting the note into Lissa’s hand. “I tried calling Evangeline and Isabella, and both their phones are off. I need to go.”
Lissa scanned the note, then looked up at me with flinty eyes. “You and Theo should go,” she said. “Vic and I will stay here in case they come back.”
“And we should let Marcus know,” Vic said.
Theo was already on their feet, looking grim. “I’ll make sure we’re ready for whatever we find,” they said, clapping me on the shoulder. “Vic’s right, you should tell the old guy.”
If I were in a different mood, I might have pointed out that we were probably all older than Marcus, but I didn’t. “Call Marcus,” I told Lissa and Vic. “Tell him what’s going on.”
Theo and I went to one of the lesser-used rooms of the house. Calling it an armory was excessive, but it was where we kept the weapons we’d accumulated over the years. Swords and spears hung on the walls, along with crossbows, guns, daggers, and a few more novel choices. I wasn’t in the mood for novelty. In a dark wood wardrobe in one corner were modified stab vests, streamlined with magical innovations and more than capable of turning away a stake to the heart. I strapped one on as Theo grabbed one of their old war hammers off the wall, tossing it from hand to hand. Vampires, as a whole, considered armor largely decorative, since we could only be permanently killed by being struck through the heart and burned, but going into this with our chests protected seemed wise.
As Theo donned their vest, I selected a long, thin sword from the wall and strapped it to my hip. As an afterthought, I took a pair of thick black gloves, each finger tipped with a wickedly sharp claw.
“What about the special drawer?” Theo asked. They didn’t look happy about asking the question. We exchanged one tense glance, and then I opened the drawer.
Nestled in the drawer was a row of marlinspike daggers—spikes of dark, lacquered wood with handles meant to make it as easy as possible to drive the sharp point through a ribcage. In another compartment of the same drawer, dozens of small lighters were laid out. They were designed to be waterproof and wind-resistant, and were the sort that would stay lit if thrown. Next were small aerosol cans to help flame spread if needed. Grimly, Theo and I both took what we needed.
In the foyer, Lissa was talking to Marcus in low, worried tones. Vic was by her side, nodding occasionally.
“We should hurry,” Marcus said when he saw us. The perplexing jocularity I had come to expect from him was gone, leaving steely certainty in its wake.
Wordlessly, we climbed into Floyd—now a comfortable four-door sedan—and went to go find Evangeline.
The final fragment of the ascendancy array, a breathtakingly fragile piece of filigree humming with power, glittered in the light of my magic. Carefully, I set the box down on the wooden workbench, placing my hands on either side of it and blowing out a careful breath. This tiny little thing had the power to end the magical world as we knew it, and it was meant for me. My parents had made this with the tools right in front of me, working in this room while I played.
I braced myself against the surface of the workbench. It was pitted and grooved from years of use, fuzzed over with a thick layer of dust. Almost reverentially, I took the box I’d swiped from Gabriel’s desk out of my pocket and set it down next to the box I’d just found. Something about the symmetry of it appealed to me—the box Gabriel’s mother had given him next to the box my parents had left for me.