We should go. If someone finds him in there, it could arouse suspicion, even with your set dressing.

I nodded, and we slipped down a side corridor, out into the garden. Our car was already waiting, idling in the drive when we made it around the front of the house.

“Do you have some sort of car-summoning spell?” I asked. “A charm or something?”

Gabriel gave me a dry look. “I texted the driver while you were finishing up.”

I nodded sagely. “The magic of technology.”



Afew minutes into the ride back to Gabriel’s, I broke the comfortable silence between us.

“Is it weird that I’m a little disappointed?” I asked.

Gabriel cocked his head. “How so?”

“I’ve just… I’ve never been to anything like that before. It was so fancy and extravagant, and I have this amazing dress that makes me feel so goddamn great, and I didn’t even get to enjoy it,” I said. “You know what, forget it, that sounds so stupid. We were doing important stuff.”

“Enjoying yourself is also important,” Gabriel said.

“When I was little, I daydreamed about stuff like this. A big, dramatic masquerade, having a romantic dance with someone. I mean, I pictured it with fewer vampires, but still.”

Gabriel laughed softly. “The night’s not over,” he said as we pulled up to his manor. “Come on.”

Gabriel led me through the quiet house to a room Lissa had skipped on my tour. It was big, with tall ceilings, and warm parquet wood floors. When Gabriel flipped the lights on, half a dozen chandeliers lit up.

“It’s not quite as elaborate as the Alinejad ballroom,” he said modestly. “But I hope it’ll do.”

“It’s beautiful,” I said. “I can’t believe you have an honest-to-God ballroom in your house.”

Gabriel went over to an old-fashioned gramophone, big brass trumpet thing and all. He fiddled with it, and music drifted through the air, something slow and sweet I didn’t recognize. In the middle of the ballroom, he held out a hand to me.

“May I have this dance?” he asked.

I beamed at him, feeling fluttery and nervous. “I’d love that. But, um. First…” I raised a hand to his face, took off his mask, and dropped the spell hiding his face . The tall, mysterious figure who’d taken me to the masquerade was great, but Gabriel was the one I wanted to dance with.

He smiled down at me, eyes warm. God, how had I ever thought he was stoic? He took my mask off, too, and my breath caught when his hand brushed my cheek.

“There,” he murmured. “Perfect.” He settled a hand on my waist, and I stepped closer, putting my hand on his shoulder. I felt drunk, even though I’d only had a few sips of my champagne. The way he was looking at me was intoxicating all on its own.

Gabriel, predictably, was light on his feet, graceful, and lithe. I was a capable dancer, but in his arms I felt weightless. We moved together effortlessly. My hand slipped from his shoulder to his chest while his hand moved to my hip. The moment was so dreamlike and natural, it almost surprised me to realize I was turned on. I felt electrified, completely aware of every spot we were touching. Gabriel’s eyes hadn’t left mine. I wished Lissa hadn’t given me gloves because it seemed unfair that we weren’t touching skin-to-skin.

The song came to an end, and we slowed, swaying together in the middle of the empty ballroom. We were close enough that our noses were brushing. I could feel my pulse between my thighs.

In the end, it was breathtakingly simple to lean up and press our lips together. Gabriel met me halfway, his mouth cool and soft against mine. My eyes slid shut. It was a sweet kiss, slow and gentle. I was used to first kisses being a little awkward as you tried to figure each other out, but there was none of that with Gabriel. It felt like we already knew every inch of each other.

The music started again, playing a jarringly modern pop song, and I pulled away. Gabriel’s eyes were still closed, and he scrunched his brow in annoyance.

“Sorry,” he said, pulling out his phone and pausing the music. “The Bluetooth on that thing is a little fussy sometimes.”

Of course, he had a Bluetooth-enabled gramophone. I liked this weird nerd so much.

“Thank you,” I said softly. “That was a perfect dance.”

“I…” Gabriel paused. “It’s been a long day,” he said finally. “You must be tired.” He took a half-step back, and I let my hands drop.