Luis beamed at the doctor. “Oh, rest assured she will be spoiled. Plans have already been set in motion.”
“That’s good to hear,” the doctor said, and she left them alone so Clara could get dressed.
Clara didn’t get dressed right away, though. She still couldn’t process everything that had happened to her in the last couple months. It seemed like a dream, like something wonderful she would unfortunately wake from. This was the sort of thing she would have daydreamed about when she was thirteen after watching some rags-to-riches, Cinderella love story. Older Clara would have taken thirteen-year-old Clara aside and explained why this sort of thing never happened to girls like her in real life, and that she should just be happy she and her family were middle-class and healthy.
It took her a moment to notice that Luis was shaking her by the shoulders. “Are you okay? Clara? Do I need to call the doctor back in here?” She looked up, and he visibly relaxed at the eye contact. “Come here.” He pulled her into his arms and she rested her forehead against his chest. “Everything’s going to be wonderful. You’ll see. I promise I’ll do everything in my power to ensure your pregnancy is as smooth as possible. And if you don’t believe me, just know that Morales men take care of their own. It’s a family tradition.” He took her by the chin and made her look up into his chocolate eyes. “Believe me, Clara.” And she did. Then his face lit up, and he added, “Can you believe we’re going to be parents? I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy. I’ll have a family of my own, and it’s all thanks to you.”
As he spoke, he came closer and closer. She could feel his breath on her skin, and her heart beat faster because of it. More than anything, she wanted to kiss him, and that was a problem. But the even bigger problem seemed to be that he wanted to kiss her, too. This wasn’t the result of a fun night out at a bar either. This was the result of finding out they would be having a baby together, a family. That was what drove their desire for each other, and that was anything but a business arrangement. Real feelings were worming their way into her heart, and she had to put a stop to it. But his lips were just so inviting, and she couldn’t stop thinking about the one night of heat they’d shared. It was the reason this pregnancy was even real, and she was beyond tempted to repeat it.
She quickly pulled away from him and laughed off the awkward moment. “Well, I guess we’re both hormonal because of the pregnancy, right?”
He ran a hand through his hair and looked far more dejected than she thought he should. “Right. Let’s go home.”
The drive back was too quiet, but Clara didn’t know how to break the silence. Everything she thought to say seemed either cruel or flippant somehow. Maybe he was as upset as she was that the relationship was inching its way over the lines they’d drawn. She decided to put a stop to it however she could, but then they got back to the penthouse.
As soon as she walked in the door she could smell it — her mother’s rhubarb pie paired with something savory that made Clara’s mouth immediately water. The dining table was already set up for two, candles burning in the center of it. It was the most ridiculous, cliché, romantic thing anyone had ever done for her.
“I wasn’t sure whether we’d be getting good news or bad,” Luis explained, gesturing toward the table. “So I had dinner brought in and talked your mother into baking another pie, just in case you needed some comfort food.”
All Clara’s plans to put a stop to the sentimentality went right out the window. She spun around and threw her arms around his neck. “How are you this perfect?” she said. And to her surprise, his arms found their way around her, too. He held her so tight — she never wanted him to let her go. But eventually he did. “Come and see what else I’ve done.”
“There’s more?” She stumbled after him up the stairs.
“This part was only for if the news was good.” He led her to his office turned bedroom, which confused her because she’d certainly seen it before. Yes, it was impressive, but she wasn’t about to be impressed by it twice. Then he opened the door, and the room was completely empty. Clara just blinked at it, not quite sure what he was getting at.
“I thought we could use this room as a nursery,” Luis said. “It’s the only cozy room in the penthouse. What do you think? I haven’t decorated it yet because I thought you’d want to pick the colors and all.”
She wanted to whirl around and hug him so tight, but her mind was spinning at what all this could mean. She’d expected that after they were wed and she had the baby, he’d set her up in a nice apartment downtown. He’d make sure his baby was provided for and maybe he’d participate in the kid’s life. But this seemed to suggest he wanted her to live with him even after they were wed. Even after they had the baby.
“You know babies don’t usually sleep through the night,” she said, half hoping he wouldn’t hear but feeling obligated to warn him. “It’s kind of a cliché that new parents are miserable, get no sleep, and have no personal lives anymore. Even if you have help, the baby’s still going to cry every night. You’ll have bags under your eyes and be a walking zombie for the first month at least.”
He took both her hands and smiled down at her. “That sounds just fine to me.”
She gulped and pulled away. “You really do plan to raise this child with me? For real?”
He bent closer to her and murmured. “Of course I do, Clara. I love—” He cut himself off and appeared to course correct. “I’d love to have you both here with me. That way I can keep an eye on you.”
But Clara hadn’t missed his near-confession, and no amount of self-talk could convince her she’d misunderstood what he was about to say. Why did he want her here, really? Was it to keep some semblance of control, or could it be because he truly loved her? Maybe he was still emotional about the scan. She had to admit she’d been having questionable feelings herself, which she attributed to hormones and the high of receiving such good news.
Starting a real relationship because of a baby was never a good idea, was it? What would happen when the kid got older, and parenting them required more compromises? Would she wind up being the one who always compromised her values? Did a billionaire even know how to compromise? She supposed his giving up his office was a sign of something good, though she wasn’t sure what. At the very least, he seemed willing to make sacrifices for his own child. Then again, it was possible he really did just want to keep an eye on her. If that was the case, did he not trust her to be a good mother?
So many thoughts were spinning in her head, it took her a second to notice he was addressing her. “Clara, are you okay? Tell me if you’re not feeling well. I’ll take you right back to the doctor, no questions asked.”
She tried to tell herself he was only concerned for the child she carried, but the look in his eyes screamed otherwise. And the idea that he may actually love her scared the living daylights out of her because she was beginning to suspect she might actually love him back.
It was the Fourth of July, and Clara’s family had planned to spend the day together. They were going to grab a picnic table at a nearby park, or if there wasn’t one available, spread out a blanket on the grass and watch the distant fireworks. Over the years, the park had gotten more and more crowded, and Clara’s dad, who normally liked to barbecue, wasn’t sure he’d have access to a grill this year.
Clara sat on the bed she’d been sleeping in — she still couldn’t think of it as hers — shared her family’s plans with Luis, and then invited him to join them. “It’s not going to be anything spectacular, but it’ll be quality time. Dad’s burgers and dogs might not be available this year, though. It might be kind of crowded.”
“Clara.” Luis stepped in and ruffled her hair like she was a precocious child. “I’m going to love spending time with your family, no matter where it is. But if they’d like, I can supply a grill for your dad. It won’t be the park, but I promise the view will be spectacular.”
And that was how the entire Ashford family found themselves aboard a huge yacht in the middle of the bay on the Fourth of July. Initially, Luis hadn’t told them where he was taking them, but Dawn said they’d be fools to pass up any change of venue being offered by a billionaire and she was one hundred percent correct.
The water was gray and moody, the city skyline glittering on the horizon. Clara’s dad was on deck, grilling, which smelled like pure childhood to her. It brought back only good memories, and just now, it was bringing daydreams of the future, too. She imagined sharing a Fourth of July like this with her child. Dawn and her family, their parents, and now Clara with her family. It made her so happy to just dream about it, and none of it would be possible without Luis, who was currently learning to grill like their father. Nothing made Ted Ashford happier than teaching his daughters’ partners how to carry on the family traditions. Stan had gone through it, and now it was Luis’s turn, apparently.