“You know,” Clara said, “like one of those antique shops that are also cafés. I always think maybe the owner couldn’t decide what they wanted, so they went with both.” Patty was still laughing, and Clara felt herself blush. “They just always seem to have carrot cake on the menu.”

Meredith pushed one of the small plates back toward Clara. “Okay, so how about this one — the chocolate.”

It was delicious, but Clara was having too much fun to bring the session to a close. “Birthdays.”

“What?” Meredith asked.

“Chocolate reminds me of birthdays. For kids.”

“Vanilla?” Patty offered, almost as though she expected the answer.

“Ice cream,” Clara answered.

Meredith narrowed her eyes. “Are you just coming up with reasons to try all the flavors? You can just eat them, you know. You don’t have to make excuses. Hell, Luis will buy you one of each to take home if you want.”

Clara shook her head. “Nah, that’s okay. I just wanted to hang out with you two a little longer. It’s been kind of lonely in the penthouse.”

“Ah, hon!” Patty leaned over and gave Clara’s wrist a short squeeze. “Aren’t you the sweetest.” She had a pleasant Southern accent and a calm demeanor. “We’ve still got dresses to try on. Today can go on and on as long as you like.”

Clara shook her head. “No, no. You both have lives outside this job, I’m sure. I’m being selfish. You should go home to your families. You don’t have to cater to me all day.”

Now Meredith was the one laughing. “Catering to you all day is exactly what our job is. Now, listen, you’re a lot of fun. We like you. Most of the women he brings home treat us like another piece of furniture. Anyway, you’re giving us stories to tell.”

“I don’t even have a family,” Patty admitted, still laughing.

Meredith nodded. “She doesn’t even have a family. So see? We’re her family. Let’s go try on wedding dresses so Patty can cry and cry and say, ‘They grow up so fast.’”

Patty corralled Clara out of the cake shop while Meredith stayed to order miniature versions of every flavor to go.

The dressmaker wasn’t far down the road, so Clara asked if they could walk there. It wasn’t that she was ungrateful for the limo. It was just that she wanted to feel normal for five minutes between luxuries. Part of her kept insisting she didn’t deserve any of this, that a sham wedding should not have the weight, the expense, of a real one. Then again, she had dreamed of planning her wedding since she was a little girl, and it dawned on her that this might be her one and only chance. As bittersweet as the occasion was, Clara was determined to enjoy it.

The dress shop was brightly lit and pleasant. Though Clara had heard of it before, she’d never imagined she would be shopping here, no matter how many dream weddings she planned. Only the super elite could afford to shop here, but Meredith and Patty insisted she at least try on a few.

“You’re going to love it,” Patty said.

“You’ll feel like a princess,” Meredith added. “Don’t you want to feel like a princess?”

Clara shook her head with a smile. “You two sound like you’re pushing drugs or something.”

The two women sat down while Clara was shown dress after dress. Everything was whiter than white. The whole room gleamed like a precious stone, and Clara felt supremely out of place. She thought about the little pub where she’d met Luis, how comfortable he’d seemed, and how stiff he seemed to be in what was supposed to be his own element. She wondered whether this was going to be her life now, or would she be allowed to make it fit her own personality a little better.

The first dress she tried did feel like a princess gown, something she would have drooled over as a seven-year-old. Tulle was absolutely everywhere, giving the gown a fullness that Clara thought would make it a little tricky to sit down on anything other than a bar stool.

Both of Luis’s assistants oohed and aahed when Clara spun around. “You look like an absolute doll!” Patty exclaimed.

Clara frowned. “That’s what I was thinking, too, and it wasn’t a good thing.”

Meredith chimed in. “That’s right, you want something more mature, don’t you? I thought you would.” And she told the woman helping Clara to get something sexier.

As the shopping continued, Clara began to get a feel for the two women helping her. Patty preferred things to be big, overstated, gorgeous. She could never have too many ribbons. And Meredith was more of a city girl who liked things to be sleek and sophisticated. Clara tried on all the gowns recommended to her until she thought she might die if she had to try on one more. The truth was, they all seemed to suit Patty and Meredith, but none of them suited Clara. At least, whenever she looked into the mirror while wearing them, she didn’t feel like she was looking at herself. There was a stranger there, wearing someone else’s dress.

“Is it okay if I go looking for one to try on?” Clara finally asked.

Everyone gasped and started telling her that it was more than okay. Why hadn’t she asked sooner? Of course she could go shopping for herself. They just didn’t think she would want to, as most women preferred to be catered to.

Clara got on a video call with her sister, who was ecstatic to be included. “Show me everything!” Dawn said.

So Clara went through the racks of dresses, while her sister commented on every one. Finally, she came across a dress that was simple, but embroidered and beaded in shades of red. “I love this,” Clara whispered.