Clara stopped, embarrassed, but Luis didn’t seem to mind. “He’s just being rebellious,” he said. “A tough guy.”
Clara found her smile again. “So edgy,” she quipped.
“And full of excellent advice,” Luis added.
It took Clara a beat too long to realize what he meant. Though the alcohol had begun to wear off, she was still high on that kiss. When the meaning behind his words hit her, she felt herself turn bright red. “Should we?”
“I told you I wanted to spend the night with you,” he murmured. “Surely that wasn’t too ambiguous. We’ve both had a rough day, and we could both use a little fun to take the edge off, don’t you think? If you’re up for a night of—” he paused and brushed one thumb over her swollen lips “—real pleasure, then so am I.”
Clara tried to stifle the desire blooming in her stomach, then she actually asked herself why. She’d been cautious all her life. If ever there was a time to be reckless, tonight was it. She wasn’t guaranteed another chance like this — a chance to live like tomorrow didn’t even matter. Why was she even hesitating to take his offer? “Let’s do it,” she said.
His smile in response was wider than she would have expected. “You won’t regret it.”
“You seem pretty confident in your skills,” she said.
“Come with me and find out why.”
While she believed Luis to be far from poor, the luxury of the hotel room he found surprised her. The bathroom was about the size of her own bedroom. The bed was massive, the view of the bay spectacular. Everything was classic, neutral colors, wood details, white linens and beige and gold wallpaper. The place made her feel like she was about to experience something special — a different kind of spa — and maybe she was. Her skin flushed in anticipation of what she knew was to come. But Luis was taking his time.
He poured her a glass of water and asked if she wanted ice. She frowned at him, questioning. He seemed to understand. “I want you sober, Clara.”
“Why?” she asked.
He grinned down at her as she sat on the edge of the bed. “So when you’re walking like you’re drunk later, I’ll know it was my doing and not the beer.”
By now, her blood was positively steaming for him. She sipped her water and held an ice cube in her mouth as he knelt before her and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. After slipping out of that, he pulled a crisp white undershirt over his own head. The man was made entirely of sex and muscle, but of course he would be. He probably had a personal trainer and gym at his disposal, and he could clearly afford to eat right. What surprised her more than anything was just how clean his clothes were, even after the bad day he’d had. Somehow, he was so well put together that she would never have known he was even a little stressed if he hadn’t told her outright.
She watched his shoulders flex as he eased her legs apart and slipped his well-muscled torso between her thighs. Then he began removing her shoes and socks. “Would you like to order your own courses, or do you trust me to plan the meal?” he asked, and he was clearly not talking about dinner.
By the tone of his voice, Clara got the impression that there was no right answer, but she was craving the unexpected. “Surprise me,” she answered, echoing her earlier order of the beer. Except in this case, she got the impression his brand would be far from inferior. He may have been subject to bad advice when it came to beer, but his confidence in the realm of pleasure was undeniable.
He broke into probably the sexiest grin she’d ever seen on a man, slipped his hands under her shirt and pushed it up just an inch. He kissed her just below her belly button from the left to the right while slowly easing her pants down. She could feel his tongue graze her skin along with the stubble on his chin. He undressed her so steadily, she was able to forget he was even doing it, and just focus on his mouth against her skin.
Soon she was sitting in her bra and underwear, and he pulled her closer to the edge of the bed. He crawled over her to guide her down. The weight of his body against hers felt like heaven, and the shape of him — hard in all the right places — drove her crazy with desire. She wanted to wrap her legs around him and take him immediately, but he had better self-control than she did, obviously. And he seemed determined to torture her.
He kissed her, held her, and whispered into her ear. “I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want to be inside you right now. But I’m selfish, Clara. Every time you make love to another man, I want you to remember me. Remember this.” He unhooked her bra and slipped it off with ease, grinding into her just enough to give her a taste of what was to come… and who. “Tell me, Clara,” he said. “What’s the most times you’ve ever finished in one night?” His face was against her breasts now, stimulating her nipples with his tongue.
She tried to answer, but when she opened her mouth, all that came out was a low moan. He had slipped his hand between her legs, over her underwear, and begun to massage her until she could tell she was soaking through the fabric. Finally, she managed to say, “Twice?”
“Mmm…” he said, making his way lower. “Tonight, we’ll do way better than that.”
The lights were down, and the sound of the traffic below provided a distant white noise that blended beautifully with the view of the bay. Clara turned her head to the side to stare out the window at the glittering city and saw her own reflection, naked and writhing under his careful tongue. Her own body surprised her, how beautiful she looked — how beautiful he made her feel. He listened and shifted, tasted and consumed her while she tangled her fingers in his dark brown hair. He brought her close multiple times, and finally pushed her over the edge, reveling in her cries of pleasure.
She saw stars when she closed her eyes, and he moved back to kissing her inner thighs. Her legs were shaking when he rose up over her again and helped back her further onto the bed. Now, he was less meticulous. Now he was tearing his clothes off to get to her, and his desire made her insides throb again. “This time,” he growled, backing her into a pile of plush pillows, “we go together. Do you want all of me?”
Clara didn’t even wait for him to finish his question before she answered, “Yes.” And he plunged into her with a force that shook the bed. He was like another man entirely, aggressive and powerful. To her, it felt like making love to two separate men, and her body was more than agreeable to the idea, especially now that he was taking as much as he gave.
His own groans of pleasure inspired hers, and she brought her legs around him to lock him deeper into her as she grabbed the headboard and arched her back. His hands tightened around her waist, digging in as he lost control while she cried out for the second time. This time, he came with her, and the sharp feeling of his teeth on her skin punctuated the moment.
He let her feel him move in her a minute more before collapsing beside her.
She couldn’t help uttering a breathy, “Wow.”
“Yes,” he said, rolling over to face her. “My sentiments exactly.”
She took several deep breaths to still her hammering heart and let herself sink into the mattress. Everything was so comfortable, she felt like she could probably just fall asleep right there. “Do you feel better?” she asked him, staring up at the darkened ceiling.
“Immeasurably,” he said.