“No, it wasn’t… Not completely at least.” You could suddenly hear a pin drop in this kitchen. It gets so silent.
“I’m not gonna scream, I’m not gonna scream, I’m not gonna scream.” Taylor closes her eyes and chants to herself.
“I fucking might,” Shane argues, leaning forward on her barstool.
“So, he stayed over last night…” Taylor grabs onto Shane’s arm like she might fall over—even though she’s sitting down. “But nothing happened. We just got back late and talked and he…stayed.” I shrug with a grin creeping its way across my lips.
“Awwww!” They sing together.
“Anyway… He asked if he could spend the day with me, so I said yes, and… I may have not put underwear on after my shower, and he may have found out. In a very climactic way.”
“I’ve never been so happy in my life,” Lauren coos, grabbing my head and pulling me to her chest.
“I can honestly say, me neither.” Genuinely happy looks come from every single one of my friends and my heart feels full.
“I hope you know you could have fucked that man eight ways to Sunday on the same night you had your first kiss, and we would be nothing but happy for you,” Ruby assures me, pulling my mind back to the fact that I still have to find a way to tell Sawyer I’ve never slept with anyone before.
“Random hockey player, he’s just a random hockey player,” Taylor whispers to herself, making me narrow my gaze at her.
“It’s how I keep things separate so I can indulge in these moments with you without remembering it’s my brother we’re talking about.” She makes a fake gagging face and I roll my eyes at her.
“Well, I appreciate the support, but I still have to tell him I’ve never been with anyone before and hope he isn’t bothered by it.”
“Look, I’m not claiming to be an expert on men, nor am I one, but I have a really strong feeling that he’ll be more than okay with it.” I give Ruby all my attention as she speaks.
“Guys like the idea of being your first, they’re weird and possessive that way. But that man? He’s so obsessed with you it’s impossible to imagine him being anything but elated by the information.”
“How do you figure that?” I ask, skeptical of her assumption.
“Because I’ve had a front row seat to the way he looks at you for the last three months. I don’t know how these bitches never picked up on it. But if he’s been looking at you like that for as long as he says he’s been. It’s not going to be a problem. I wouldn’t even sweat it.”
This kind of conversation may seem unnecessary to some—or inappropriate to those who don’t know what it’s like to have friends you can say literally anything to—but this is our dynamic. We share what’s on our minds and what’s happening in our lives, and we always walk away feeling better about things afterward.
Which is exactly how I feel now when leaving Ruby’s tonight.
After getting in my car, I pull my phone from where I left it in the cupholder and see a tag on Instagram from Sawyer—making those same butterflies from before awaken all over again—as well as a text message from him.
Now there’s no mistaking who’s girl you are.
Feeling a little possessive are we?
No. Not a little. Very.
My thighs clench together as an ache forms between my legs for him.
That’s never happened before…
No shit, Sherlock. You’ve never been with him before.
If you’re waiting for me to apologize. It’s not gonna happen. Get used to being mine, Dove.