Page 58 of Waiting For Fate

It’s crazy to think that just a few years ago we were spending New Year’s Eve at Chattahoochies, wondering what the hell was going on with Max and Shane after she mysteriously disappeared during the ball drop. Now they’re married with a beautiful daughter and two more of our friends have started families. All because the two of them ran into each other one day.

“Okay, Munchkins. Time for bed!” Tank waves Hendrix in from the yard as he grabs Poe from Ruby’s hands and gives her a quick peck on the cheek. Max carries a drowsy Cece in after kissing Shane on the forehead and just like that, the dads of the group are putting their babies to bed. I never in my life would have dreamed I would see either of those men carrying their kids to bed at 10PM on New Year’s Eve, but here we are.

“Okay, well. I’m gonna take the furry babies in the house and turn their sound machine on so the fireworks don’t bug them.” Tucker whistles for Riley and Maverick to follow behind him, closing the French doors to Ruby’s living room behind him once they’re inside.

“Isn’t it so weird that this is how we’re spending our New Year’s Eve now?” Shane hugs her blanket tighter to her, taking a seat next to me on the outdoor couch.

My mouth pops open as I spin to face her. “Stop. I was literally just thinking that. Get out of my brain.” She giggles and leans in to rest her head on my shoulder.

“It’s so wild. Two of us are married with kids. I’m next in the queue to get hitched, unless one of these bitches decides to elope or something—” Ruby slaps Taylor’s arm, cutting her off.

“Bite your tongue. They better not.” She leans forward, switching between me and Lauren as she stares us down. “You better not. We may have gotten married quickly, but at least you guys were there for it.” She waves a finger between her and Shane.

“And who the hell am I running off with, exactly?” Lauren glares at her.

“Me, obviously.” I lean over and kiss her cheek obnoxiously loud. We all fall into a fit of laughter but as soon as it’s quiet again I hear the faint sound of my phone going off.

I pull it from my pocket, hovering over my phone while wrapped up in my fleece blanket, and I can feel the moment my cheeks turn red. It’s the same moment my heart rate picks up to an unhealthy speed.


Meet me at L27 Rooftop Lounge at midnight.


I kind of already have plans. I’m spending NYE at Ruby and Tank’s with everyone. I don’t wanna just bail.


Please, Dove?

I lock my phone and clear my throat. “Um. So, I kind of forgot to mention something that happened on Christmas Eve.” Everyone stops talking and looks straight at me. Their unwavering attention feels like a big ass spotlight, and I do not love it.

“What? With Jackson?” Shane frowns.

“Um, no…with Sawyer.” I glance around nervously, and Taylor not so subtly squeezes Shane’s arm next to her.

“We kind of kissed.” Immediately squeals begin to break out around the circle.

“I knew he looked smug and happy when he walked back in the room after being with you. I just thought he’d called Jackson a mean name or something though.” Taylor waves a hand in the air.

“Details!” Shane wiggles in her chair.

“I don’t know. We didn’t have a ton of time to talk but… apparently, he liked me too. Back in high school I mean, and all he said before he did it was that he’s not walking away again.”

More squeals.

“What happened?”

“What’s wrong?” All three guys come running back out the doors, causing the excited noises to come to a halt.

“Leah and Sawyer kissed!” Taylor screams.

“I know, but it sounded like someone was getting their eyes scratched out.” Taylor levels Tucker with a lethal glare as he finishes his sentence.

“It might be you. What. Do. You. Mean. You knew?” she asks and the rest of us slink into our seats further to watch his rebuttal.

“Oh, I just… I mean,” he chuckles nervously, looking to Max and Tank for help.