Page 69 of Waiting For Fate

“Boring Sundays will always be just for us. I promise.” He presses a quick kiss to my lips then pats on my butt playfully. “Okay! Last movie that made you cry?”

Sawyer continues our little game of twenty questions while we check everything off my list before heading to the register to pay.



Hey sweetheart. Dad and I aren’t feeling so well tonight. I’m so sorry. Is it okay if we skip dinner tonight?


Oh no! I’m so sorry you guys aren’t feeling good. I’ll drop some dinner off for you both and we can pick back up next week. Sound good?


You don’t have to get us anything. Next week sounds great though.


I am bringing you dinner, Mom. Don’t argue with me. Do you need anything else?


Okay then. Yes, actually could you pick your dad up some cold medicine? The kind that dissolves in hot water? It always seems to kick this junk the fastest.


You got it. I’m at the grocery store now so I can drop it off in about half an hour.


Thank you sweetheart. I love you.


I love you too, Mom.

“Everything okay?” Sawyer asks, leaning against the basket handle as he studies me with a worried expression.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry. My parents aren’t feeling well. They asked to cancel dinner but I need to grab my dad some cold medicine.” I look around the store for a pharmacy sign.

“I hate to hear that. Is there anything else we should grab for them?” My heart swells in my chest hearing Sawyer’s concern for my parents.

“I don’t think so. I’m just gonna grab the medicine from the pharmacy, I’ll be right back.”

After finding medicine for my dad, grabbing food from a restaurant Sawyer recommended—because they have a really clean menu which is good for Dad’s dietary needs—and dropping everything off at my parents’ house, we make it back to my place right around sunset.

“So. How was your day of doing boring things with me? Ready to run back home yet?” I laugh, unlocking my door as Sawyer carries almost all of the groceries he bought for me in one hand. Yes, he bought my groceries, and paid for my parents’ dinner—because why not give me one more reason to find him insanely perfect?

“This might just be my favorite Sunday to date.” There go those damn butterflies again. Fluttering to life at the sound of his voice, at the idea he enjoyed a lazy Sunday with me. At the way he comes up behind me, after setting the bags on the island, spinning me around in his arms.

“I hear you’re free for dinner tonight?” He brushes the tip of his nose against mine, picking me up around my waist prompting me to wrap my legs around him.

“It appears so.” My arms drape lazily around his neck, and I smile as his eyes land on my lips.

He walks me over to the kitchen island, setting my ass down on the empty space as the tension in the air grows thicker. He doesn’t say a word, he simply runs his hands down the length of my spine, squeezing hard when he gets to my backside before pulling me closer to him. Then he leans in and kisses my neck, licking and biting in a way that has me wet within seconds and sends my mind into a tailspin.

“Dove,” he growls against my skin as my head falls back.