I turn around and see that it’s already 2AM.
“That’s fine, but…will you stay a while? Just so we can keep talking I mean. I just feel like we still have so much to catch up on. If you’re too tired I understand?—”
“I can’t think of anything I’d rather do,” he cuts me off, smiling as he does. I begin moving to return to my seat—feeling the coolness from the damp fabric between my legs—and stop. “Oh, um… I would just like to go ahead and apologize for potentially ruining your suit pants.” His brows knit together in confusion, and I nod, patting his shoulder twice before returning to my seat.
“Oh, fuck me.” I peek over at him, but he doesn’t look mad. He looks… Oh. The animalistic look in his eye stuns me. He just stares back at me, letting his eyes drop to my legs before sinking his teeth painfully into his bottom lip.
“What are you thinking?” I don’t mean to ask it out loud—mostly because I’m not sure my heart is ready for the answer—but there’s no taking it back now.
“That I can’t wait to sink some part of myself between those perfect thighs of yours.”
Did I just catch on fire? Because that was the hottest thing I’ve ever heard spoken out loud.
“Don’t worry, Dove. We’ll go slow. But you asked and I owed you an honest answer.” He smirks at me, and I can’t be sure but I think he completely breaks my brain. I sit silently in the passenger seat as he reaches over, stopping my heart, as he pulls my seat belt down and clicks it into place.
Then he grabs my hand, kisses my knuckles and keeps our fingers intertwined as he drives us to my house.
Happiest. New Years. Ever.
Care to share how the rest of YOUR night went, you gorgeous bitch?!?!
It was fine? I would love to fill you in when I get both of my eyelids open. Why are you freaking out, exactly?
*Sports TEA-V article*
I click the link to the article Taylor sent me from one of the hottest sports gossip blogs, shooting straight up in my bed when I see it.
My eyes are fucking open now.
The first picture in the article is a team photo of the Badgers from last night at the lounge, but what has me almost falling on the floor—is the second photo. Because it’s a photo of Sawyer and me kissing with fireworks going off behind us. My arms are wrapped around his neck, and his are around my waist, lifting me with one of my feet popped out behind me.
It’s actually a really good picture.
But I didn’t plan on being on the front freaking page of a gossip column that almost everyone I know reads religiously.
Oh. my. God.
BABEEEE!!!! you should frame that!
If the dress is ripped or ruined in some way don’t even worry about it