Page 42 of Waiting For Fate


However, she ended up getting a job in Taylor’s department last year and come to find out, she has no boundaries and no filter in any area of her life. She has been the source of many a girl’s night stories. And now apparently, she’s dating Taylor ex-situationship that was nothing less than a walking red flag.

Thank God Tucker was done letting Tay ignore the fact that they were made for each other and swept her off her feet and out from under Zander.

“Okay well there’s that. Lauren, you go. Pour it out baby.” I shake my head and give her the floor since she seems more on edge than usual.

“UGH, okay. We have this new guy who came in from New York, right? And since he apparently made millions selling some of the most upscale homes and penthouses there, he thinks he’s like, the god of real estate or something and wants to tell everyone how to do their jobs. Like, excuse me Mr. Real Estate, I’m pretty fucking great at my job already. Sit down.” She tosses the rest of her margarita back while the rest of us stay silent, staring at her.

Normally when Lauren pours it out it’s because her parents are on her ass about something, her client ended up having to pay closing costs they weren’t expecting, or the nail salon didn’t have her favorite dip powder. But I’ve never seen her this worked up over any of that stuff.

“Who is he?” Ruby decides to be the brave one and asks. Lauren groans in disgust.

“Fitz. That’s it. He just goes by Fitz. Like Elvis or Prince. How pretentious is that?”

“So pretentious. What a wank.” Taylor rolls her eyes in agreement.

“I should just call him Lucifer. It’s more fitting and keeps the one name brand going for him.” Lauren smiles devilishly.

I can’t tell if she’s angry, being sarcastic, or lethally serious right now.

“Who’s name is Lucifer?” Tank asks, swiping his keys from the island, holding Poe in his car seat as Hendrix runs past him to the door.

“New guy at my work,” Lauren answers simply.

“Poor guy, his parents really set him up for failure. Have fun ladies. See you tonight, Honey. Wait up for me.” He kisses Ruby and gives her a wink before heading out for guy’s night at Max and Shane’s.

“Anyway,” Lauren pops a chip in her mouth as soon as the front door closes and dusts her hands off. “Enough about the Satan of real estate, tell us more about this dumb ass date you went on.”

“I don’t know. I mean, you guys got pretty much all the details when I text you from the bathroom, he was just so passive when the waiter was literally trying to eye-fuck me.” I shudder at the thought. “I mean, he barely got out Hi, my name is Michael before his eyeballs were on the girls.” Taylor stands up straight, no longer leaning casually over the island as her face grows more serious.

“His name was what?”

“Michael…” GASP! “Oh my god!” My hand flies over my mouth.

“Where did yall eat?” Taylor asks for clarification.

“The steakhouse off 11th. I forgot the name of it.” Taylor beats on the kitchen island.

“Son of a bitch. It was him!” Taylor yells. Michael is one of Taylor’s more terrible exes, that is truly a piece of trash. “Tucker is gonna kill that guy one day, mark my words.”

“Well, someone needs to tell him he’s a piece of shit and clearly it won’t be Jackson.” I roll my eyes as all the girls burst out laughing.




You should come to the game with us tonight!


Idk Tay. After last time do you really think that’s a good idea?


Well I don’t think we have to worry about Sawyer doing anything embarrassing if you’re there by yourself. And if you get uncomfortable and want to leave then you don’t have to stay. No biggie.