“I freaking can, this is the best season I’ve seen Sawyer have in years. The Badgers absolutely killed this year.”
“I can’t wait to see how they do next year! It’s going to be so fun having you there to freak out with. I think next year may be Matty’s last,” she whispers, and my eyes grow wide.
“You think so?” She nods her head and smiles while her gaze is fixed on him.
“Yeah. We want to start a family and Matty always said he wanted to be home for all of it, he doesn’t want to miss anything, and I think we’re ready.”
“Lyss! That’s so exciting. I really hope everything works out for you guys the way you want it to.” I pull her in for a hug and she swipes away a tear.
“Ugh, look at me I’m already all emo about it. Can you imagine pregnancy hormones on top of this?” She rolls her eyes and blows out a breath, making me laugh. A loud burst of laughter catches my attention from across the room and Lyssa and I both glance around for the source until I see where it’s coming from.
One of the bottle girls with the number thirteen on her micro top is rubbing Sawyer’s arm and tossing her long blonde hair behind her shoulder. Sawyer’s tight-lipped smile and the way he has his hands shoved into his pockets tells me that he’s just trying to be polite, then his eyes meet mine and they widen like he needs saving—the same way they did that night at karaoke when someone yelled for him to have their babies.
No, I will not be forgetting that woman hollering at my man any time soon.
“Excuse me, Lyssa.” I plaster an aggravated smile on my face and she notices.
“Ooh, go get your man, honey.” She waves me off and I do just that. Weaving through the crowd I walk over until I’m right by Sawyer’s side.
“Am I interrupting?” I smile sweetly as the girl looks me up and down.
“Sweetie, puck bunnies aren’t welcome tonight, sorry.” A vision of me slapping the extensions out of her hair flashes through my mind then I narrow my eyes and remember who the hell I am.
“Oh, so how did you get in?” I feign innocence and tilt my head as if I’m truly curious. She glances at Sawyer and recomposes herself.
“Well, as you can see,” she points to the thirteen on her shirt. “I’m assigned to be this hunk’s bottle service tonight, but I’d be happy to find someone to escort you out.” Wow, she’s got balls, I’ll give her that.
“That won’t be necessary, I’ll be finding someone else to serve me and my future wife tonight.” Sawyer wraps a hand around my waist and pulls me into his side, leaning down enough to capture my lips with his. My hands find their way to his hair, and I let my fingers weave through the soft locks.
“Oh, I am so sorry, I didn’t realize.” She tries to save face from the previous comment she made, but it’s too late for that.
“That is because you simply didn’t care to. Have a good night.” Sawyer grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd until we reach the bar.
“One strawberry margarita and one whiskey neat please.” He orders our drinks and wraps his arms around my waist, kissing along my neck until I’m tingling from my cheeks down to my toes.
“What are you doing?” I ask, leaning my head back on his shoulder.
“We are going to have one drink, we’re going to dance a little bit, then I’m taking you home, Dove.”
One drink turned into two, a little bit of dancing turned into us almost shutting the place down, but the night still ended the way he promised it would—with him taking me home.
“I think you calling me your future wife was the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.” I turn to face him as he pulls into our driveway.
“Just wait until I get to drop the future part. I’m gonna tell everyone that will listen that you’re my wife. We’ll have to travel to every country and province within our reach just so I can say it to more people. This is MY WIFE,” he raises his voice as he practices his line to the windshield. I can’t contain my laughter and he squeezes my hand tighter.
“Falling in love with your best friend is truly underrated.”
“Is that so?” His eyes meet mine as he parks the truck and cuts the ignition off.
“It is. You have always been the funniest person I know; we can joke around and be comfortable with each other because it feels so natural, but then?—”
“Then?” he presses.
“Then you wink at me, or smile at me from across a room, or touch me and my entire body ignites. You’re the only person who has ever made me want more than friendship.”