“I like him, Maggie,” I say, tears gathering in my eyes. “I need your help to not be alone with him.”

“Really?” She asks. “You don’t think that you should just give him a chance. You saw what denying her feelings did to Rosie and Alex. There’s no reason you can’t be in a relationship, Phoebe.”

“I don’t think I’m made to be someone’s forever. It always ends badly and I just can’t hurt these people.”

Maggie watches me as I start to work on my hair and make-up. We are supposed to meet the rest of the wedding party for a wine tour at eleven and then I promised the girls that I would show them some make-up tricks at two.

“Phoebe, you never said why you were crying outside.”

I was hoping she wouldn’t ask. I didn’t want to say anything until I had solved the disaster or Logan helped me solve it. “We don’t have a photographer,” I whisper.

“What!” Maggie yells. “That asshole. I’m going to scoop out his eyeballs with a spoon.”


“He hurt you when you guys were together. He undermined your confidence and is the real reason you don’t think you can be in a relationship. Before you dated that jackass you were different.”

“You’ve never said any of this to me before.”

“I thought that since he was gone there was no reason to. I didn’t want him to be the wedding photographer, but you were trying so hard to put a happy face on the breakup. Rosie doesn’t know anything.”

“He’s a famous photographer. Why wouldn’t you want him to photograph the wedding? He’s the best.” I had no idea Maggie felt this way.

“He’s a pompous ass who thinks his pictures are art when a twelve-year-old could take the same shot with their phone.” Maggie begins pacing across my room. “What are we going to do about a photographer though.”

“Logan said he knew someone and was going to make a call. He said he would fix it for me.” I smile thinking about how he defended earlier. “He also yelled at Trent and told him to never contact me again.”

“That’s what I mean. Logan is hot. Defending you and finding a photographer. You should sleep with him as a thank you.”

I throw my blush brush at my little sister and laugh. “I’m not sure how you are still a virgin. Of the three of us, you act like the biggest horndog. Sleep with him as a thank you?”

Maggie smiles at me. She made me feel better like she always does. We stop talking about men, sex, and all other issues and start working on the song for the wedding. We’ve rehearsed it a lot so really we don’t need to do much but run through it a few times.

As we leave the room for the wine tasting, Maggie grabs my hand and squeezes it. “I want you to keep an open mind about Logan. Falling in love and being vulnerable isn’t a bad thing. Whatever Trent said and did was all lies and his own insecurities. You are amazing and when you find someone who sees that in you it will be electric.”

I don’t reply. I just tighten my grip on her hand. She might be right, but I still don’t think that risking not only my heart but Logan’s and the twins is something I can do.

Chapter Five


Back in my office, I can’t concentrate on anything. All I can think about is what it felt like to have Phoebe in my arms. The little sigh she gave as I pulled her tightly against me and she felt my hard cock against her is something I will hear in my dreams.

The phone rings pulling me out of my daydream.

“Hello, Gibson Winery, this is Logan Gibson.”

“Logan, it’s Sherry,” the high-pitched voice says.

“Sherry, thanks for calling me back. I have a huge favor to ask.”

“What do you need, Logan?” she asks.

“A photographer for the next two days. You will have to sign an NDA and the pictures will all belong to the client. You won’t retain any rights unless they authorize you to use a photo.”

I’m not sure if that’s all true. I forgot to get any specific information from Phoebe, so I’m just throwing out what sounds right.

“Okay. I happen to be free this weekend. Will I be staying at the winery?” The flirty tone of her voice doesn’t sit right with me. I want to tell her she can’t stay here, but I know the photographer is needed for different things all day tomorrow.