“I’m going to see Logan. Hopefully, he’ll forgive me for being so stupid.”

“You weren’t stupid,” a voice I’ve missed hearing for three weeks says from the hallway.

I push through my sisters and Alex to find Logan standing in the hallway. He looks tired, but still so good. I reach out to touch him, afraid he’s not really there, but pull my hand back afraid he’ll reject me. Logan growls and grabs my hand pulling it against his body.

“I’ve missed you, baby.”

“I’m sorry, Logan. I’m so sorry.”

He wipes away the tears that are falling from my eyes. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. I wish we had talked things through instead of spending these three weeks apart, but we’re okay. I love you, Phoebe and nothing will change that.”

“Say it again.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too, Logan. So much,” I say with the first real smile I’ve had in weeks.

I pull him into my room so I can grab my suitcase. My sisters and Alex are just watching us like we’re a spectator sporting event.

“Uh, hi, everyone,” Logan says.

“Hi, Logan,” Maggie says with a snicker.

“Maggie, do not mention penetration,” I say under my breath where she can hear me, but hopefully Logan can’t.

“What don’t you want me to mention, Phoebe?” Maggie asks at a normal volume.

“Maggie,” Rosie says, “not now.”

Logan looks confused and Alex tells him to just ignore the sister stuff earning him an elbow from both Rosie and Maggie.

I hug my sisters and Alex goodbye and leave with Logan. Once we are in the car, Logan turns to me. I’m sure he’s about to confess his love again, instead, he asks, “What was Maggie not allowed to mention?”

“Oh my God! If you really want to know she wasn’t allowed to mention penetration.”

“Whose penetrating who?” He asks.

“Well, the conversation was about how you and I never got to the penetration only the oral part of sex.”

“Something we are going to fix very, very soon,” he says with promise.

“I hope so,” I laugh.

“I love you, Phoebe, and as soon as I get you home I’m not going to let you out of our bed for at least twenty-four hours.”

“That sounds amazing. I love you, too. I do have one question.”


“Where are the twins?” I’ve missed them, but I do want that twenty-four hours in bed with Logan to be uninterrupted.

“They’re staying with school friends this weekend. Their clout went sky-high once it was known that they hung out with The Pandemonium Pixies. I’m not telling them you’re here until they get home so I get you to myself.” He looks over at me. “It’s their punishment for being in communication with you and not telling me.”

“I’m sorry.”

He lifts my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles. “Don’t be. I knew they had to be talking to you or at least getting messages. They would have been way sadder if they weren’t. I didn’t want to interfere in your relationship with them. If for some insane reason, I couldn’t convince you that we are soulmates, I still wanted them to be able to have a relationship with you if you wanted to.”

“You are a good man, Logan Gibson. It’s one of the reasons I found myself falling so fast for you. The way you take care of your sisters and how hard you worked to make a secure, stable life for them is so admirable. Plus, you are seriously hot.”