She nods and heads toward her shower.

“Oh, Phoebe.”


“I’m also going to bring condoms tonight so be ready.”

Her cheeks turn an adorable pink before she smiles and says, “Make sure you bring several.”

I wait until I hear the shower running to get dressed and head out of her room. I’m almost to mine when I get stopped by the twin terrors.

“We need to talk to you,” Ruby says.

“You ladies look beautiful.” They are dressed in very cute matching, but different-colored dresses that must have been overnighted by one of the Stone sisters. Their make-up is almost non-existent, and their hair is done up in braids.

“Thanks, Logan,” June replies, “but don’t think that gets you out of talking to us.”

“Sure, I need to get ready for the rehearsal and dinner. Can we talk in my room?” I need to change clothes and somehow hide those condoms in my pocket.

“Yes.” They both answer at the same time.

We all three finish the walk to my room and go in. The girls sit in my bed and I head into the closet. Phoebe said it’s just like a suit and tie. Not casual, but not formal. I grab out my charcoal suit with a green tie and a blue tie. I’ll let the twins help me pick which one to wear.

I change into everything but my jacket and tie and leave the closet. I look at the girls and hold up my finger as I walk into my bathroom. “One more thing and I can talk.”

In the bathroom, I search the cabinet for a box of condoms. I was pretty confident earlier that I had some, but now I’m starting to doubt myself. I can’t think of the last time I had sex and it wasn’t in the same house as my sisters. Then I see a box in the very back. I grab a row and then another for extra measure.

I brush my teeth, fix my hair, and shave. It’s time to face the twins.

“Okay girls, what do we need to talk about?” I sit down in the chair across from my bed.

“Phoebe,” June says very seriously.


“Yes, we want to know if you really like her and want you to promise that you won’t hurt her.” Ruby answers.

“Um, well, I do like her a lot. In fact, I love her. I haven’t told her that yet, so you can’t tell her I said that. I would never do anything to hurt her intentionally. Sometimes we hurt people without meaning to, but I will always go out of my way to keep her heart safe.”

Both of my sisters jump up and hug me. “We knew that’s what you’d say,” Ruby exclaims.

“Phoebe likes you too, but she’s scared of something. You have to win her over, but you can do it.”

“I’m glad you guys have faith in me,” I say laughing. They really are great little sisters.

Then June gets really quiet. “June bug, what’s wrong?”

“Do you think the reason she doesn’t want to stay with you is because of us?” There are tears gathered in her eyes.

“No.” I hate that she even felt that she needed to ask, but I’ve dated women who were not okay that I was the guardian to kids who needed me around. “Phoebe loves you. All three of the Stone sisters love you. Has anything happened to make you think otherwise?”

Ruby smiles, “Not really. We were rude to her earlier and need to apologize. We love having her here and don’t want to be the problem.”

“Let’s go to the rehearsal and have fun. I’m sure that Phoebe is excited to see you.”

I would make sure she knew that the girls were a little worried that she would be upset with them for their outbursts earlier and that they were a little insecure about her wanting to be around them. Of course, I’m also a little insecure about her wanting to be around me. Tonight, I’m going to be honest with her and tell her my full feelings and what I want for our future.

Chapter Ten