He laughs and kisses my hand again.
“I fell in love with you for kind of the same reason. You have such a beautiful heart. I expected a famous pop group to be standoffish and kind of snobby. Instead, you immediately started including two twelve-year-olds who looked a little like clowns and helped them find their beauty. The relationship you’ve built with your brother-in-law is also a testament to how accepting you and your sisters are. You and Maggie just took Alex in as a brother because Rosie loved him.”
“They’ll do the same with you and the girls. I hope you are ready to have two obnoxious sisters and a semi-obnoxious brother. They will treat the girls like nieces and spoil them ridiculously. It’s just what we do.”
We spend the rest of the drive to the winery in companionable silence, holding hands and enjoying being together.
Chapter Thirteen
She’s here. After a night of making love and telling her over and over how much I love her, I was almost afraid to open my eyes. I thought for a second that maybe it was a dream and that she was going to be gone.
But, laying next to me, still asleep with her pink hair covering her face was the love of my life. I pull her closer to me and she murmurs something about wanting coffee.
“I’ll go get you coffee, baby,” I tell her as I try to get out of bed without moving her too much.
“No, stay here.”
I look back and she has one eye open and a smile on her face.
“You said you wanted coffee,” I move back the few inches I had been able to slide.
“That was asleep me, awake me wants you.” She tilts her head up for a kiss and I have no choice but to give her one. Not that I would ever deny her.
She moves her body on top of mine, my cock, hard as a rock as usual around her, rubs against her clit and she moans.
“I just want you inside me. I want it nice and slow,” she says in her still sleepy voice.
I pull her higher on my body and line my cock up with her opening. I make sure she’s wet, but like every time we’ve made love she’s dripping and ready. My cock easily slides into her and I push in until I’m fully seated.
“That feels so good,” she moans, “I love you.” Phoebe peppers little kisses along my jaw as I begin to move in and out of her body.
Last night I took her both fast and slow, but this feels different. This feels more intimate, I slide in and back out and then I realize what’s different.
“Phoebe, we need to stop.”
“What? Why?”
“I didn’t put on a condom.”
She pauses for a second and then moves again looking into my eyes. “I think that’s okay, right?”
“Damn straight it is.” The idea of starting a family with this woman makes my heart skip a beat. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, my love.”
I begin to move again, my eyes never leaving hers. We come together, instead of a shout this is almost reverent. I hold her to me for several long minutes. This feels like the true beginning of our love story. I’m sure we will have more obstacles in the road as we travel through life, but if we remember we love each other there is nothing we can’t get through.
I’m nervous. I never get nervous when performing in from of huge crowds, but my girls performing a song we wrote together at their school talent show. I want to throw up.
The twins are fourteen and have amazing voices. They don’t want to be professional singers, thank goodness, but songwriters. They do have a lot of raw talent. When they asked me to help write a song for their talent show I was so excited. I know it’s partly because they wanted to win and I am a professional, but I know they truly do love hanging out with me still even though the newness wore off a long time ago.
They are next and I have been twisting my wedding ring so violently for the last five minutes, Logan is holding both of my hands.