There’s a knock on my door and I stand up to answer it. The girls look at each other and I see the guilt in their eyes. Maybe they’re worried about getting in trouble for being in here with a guest, but I invited them.
Honestly, I’m feeling a little down about my big sister getting married and they have been taking my mind off it.
I open the door and am surprised to find Logan Gibson himself standing there with my luggage.
“I have your luggage, and I was told to put the dresses in your room too,” he says in a voice sexier than it has a right to be with his sisters in the room.
“I’ll take the dress bag,” I tell him, reaching out to grab it from his hand, electricity zapping me as our fingers touch. I pull my arm back and almost drop my sister’s wedding dress and our bridesmaid dresses. “Oops,” I whisper.
Logan is looking deep into my eyes. I want to look away, but I can’t. It’s like he’s put some spell on me. “Are you okay?” He asks.
I nod but don’t say anything.
“Logan, why are you just standing there?” Ruby asks.
“Yeah, bring Phoebe’s luggage in the room,” June adds.
Their words break his hold and I’m able to look away, but not before I see the flare of desire in his eyes. What is happening?
This weekend is about Rosie and Alex. I’m not here to flirt. I’m here to support my sister and make sure everything goes perfectly.
I turn back to June and Ruby with a smile. “Do you girls want to give me a tour? I need to know where a few things are so I can show the photographer when he gets here tomorrow.”
“It’s that the wedding planner’s job,” Logan asks from behind me.
“Probably, but the wedding planner is our friend, Liz. Rosie doesn’t want her to do everything. I’m doing as much as I can to help. It’s a family effort to ensure Alex and Rosie have the perfect day.”
“That’s nice,” June says. “We can show you the best places.”
“Thank you.” I turn back to Logan, who’s still standing near the door with my luggage. “Is it okay if they help me for a while? I don’t want them to get in trouble or not do something they were supposed to be doing.”
“They can help you.” He smiles. “I don’t think anything I say could get them to leave you alone at this point.”
The girls walk out into the hallway, and I tell them I’ll be right out.
“Mr. Gibson, can I ask you a question?”
“Please, call me Logan and ask away.”
“Ruby and June? They’re your sisters and they live here with you?”
“Yes, I’ve had custody of them since they were five.” He answers quietly.
“I’m sorry. I’m being nosy.” I start to leave the room.
“Thank you for being so sweet to them,” he whispers. “They really love you and your sisters.”
I smile and walk by him to go meet his sisters. I’m almost out of the room when he calls out. “Phoebe?”
“Will you meet me for a drink later?”
I wish I could say yes, but I know from just a few minutes with him that he’s someone I could like. He seems to genuinely love his sisters and now I know he raised them when he was so young himself. This path can only lead to heartbreak.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Logan. I’m sorry.” I put my performance smile back on my face and join Ruby and June in the hallway. “Show me the best place to take a picture of Rosie in her wedding gown. We need something spectacular.”
I’ve never been so affected by someone I’ve just met. I need to focus everything on the wedding and leave the winery as soon as it’s over.