She swallowedagain and quivered as her body shook in panic. She felt cold. Hewas a hot bar inside her.

Zelle met hisgaze and said, “Can you do it after the baby arrives? I wouldrather make it to delivery.”

Shock rippedthrough him, and he wrapped her in his arms, pulling her tight tohis chest. “I was joking.”

“I am too tiredfor jokes. I am tired, I am hungry, and whatever deal I have tostrike with my own body at this point, I will do it.” She startedshivering violently, and his knot held her fast.

He growled.“What is wrong now?”

“No calories,lots of effort, building a human, just threatened with agonizingdeath, starving in my own skin, and no one can help me. I’m scared.Pardon me for shivering.”

Fire surroundedher, and it burned across her skin. It warmed her body from theoutside in, and her shivers quieted, and she slumped againsthim.

“I regret thecomplication to my situation.”

“Are youapologizing for being my mate?”

“I amapologizing for not being better. A proper omega wouldn’t havethese issues.”

“We are goingto stop this conversation right there.” He flexed his hand againsther scalp.

“Fine. Oh,there you go.” She felt the slight cascade of fluid that came outof her.

He lifted heroff him and settled her on his lap.

“Um, shouldn’tI clean up?”

“No need. Weare going to try again before you sleep again.”

She jerked hergaze up. “We are?”

“Yes. You needto learn that I will cherish and protect you. It will begin withthis.”

He held heragainst him, and she breathed him in and fell asleep. Her smoothiewould have to wait. Some things were more important.

“Zelle. Take asip.” A straw was pressed to her lips.

She closed herlips over the straw and sipped. The juice that flowed into hermouth was lukewarm, and it hydrated the parched membranes in hermouth. She took a few sips and released the straw.

“You don’t wantmore?”

“I have to waitto see if it settles. I really want more.”

He set it down,stroked her cheek, and bent his head to kiss her. He smiled.“Strawberries and lemons.”

She nodded.“It’s a berry mix. It tastes like a mouthful of summer.”

He smiled. “Ithas put some colour in your cheeks.”

“Yup. What haveyou been watching while you waited?”

“You? Thephoenix is trying to find out how to give you fire to helpyou.”

Zelle blinked.“Well, I know how dragons do it.”


“Uh. They havemate fire and breathe it out through a kiss.”