“I am. What areyou going to do?”

“I am going tovideo chat with Tamara.”

“Cool. See youon the plane.”

Zelle got upand inhaled, seeking out a scent that her body would respond to. Itwas getting harder and harder to find alphas to take the edgeoff.

She wanderedaround the lounge and looked out at the two planes that werewaiting for the cast and crew.

“Are yougetting on one of those planes?” The rich, cultivated voice spokenext to her.

She turned herhead, and her sex got wet. “Oh, um. Yes.”

He wasgorgeous. Golden skin, hair that was black and had an oils-licksheen of dark colours moving when the light caressed it. His eyeswere gold and green when he smiled down at her, and the geneticstamp on his features was a combination of China and Japan.

His body lookedwell-muscled with broad shoulders and narrow hips, all encased in asuit that probably cost as much as the planes outside.

She cleared herthroat. “Are you involved in the show?”

He shook hishead. “Not directly. I am just coming along to check someinvestments.”

“Oh. Well,that’s nice.”

He nodded.“Yes, it is. I was going to make some calls when I caught yourscent. Is there anything I can help you with?”

“It is a littleawkward to ask, but I am in need right now. Could you help withthat?”

“Have you hadalphas before?”


He held hishand out. “Come with me.”

She put herhand in his as he led her to a private chamber that had a bed init. “What is this place normally for?”

He removed hissuit efficiently. “It is for long layovers. Sadly, this will be ashort one, but there is a shower attached, so you won’t drive thealphas on the plane nuts.”

She swallowedand toed off her shoes before sliding out of her cargo pants andsocks. Zelle focused on inhaling and taking in the scent of him.She smelled musk and gold and fire. His hair was tied back in along ponytail, and he looked at her with a slight smile on hislips.

She pulled offher shirt and then peeled off her sports bra and finally shimmiedout of her panties.

He inhaled andwhispered, “Turn around for me.”

She slowlyturned, and he reached for her head, removing the ties and clipsthat held her hair up and out of the way. Locks tumbled free andhung to her waist.

“Oh, you aregorgeous.” He ran his hands through her hair.

“You arestunningly pretty as well.” She blushed and glanced down. His cockwas golden with a mark where his knot would form when he was insideher. She had seen that kind of thing before with avian alphas.

She reached outand ran her fingers over the hot, smooth skin, and it bucked in herfingers.

He chuckled.“Going after what you want?”

She looked upat him. “What I need. There is a difference.”

“Well, then,since you have been so direct, I will follow your lead.”

He slid hishands down her back and lifted her against him. He nuzzled at herneck and inhaled deep. “Your scent... you are a beta?”