Lya lifted thevery ornate cast. “Healed for the most part. Side effect of...uhhh.”
“Yeah, I amsuffering from... uhhh, myself.”
Zelle gave anexhausted smile. “So, you are ensconced with alphas now?”
“Yes, withsnake affinity.”
“Smudge andSnowflake will be so proud.”
“Smudge laideggs yesterday.”
Zelle suddenlylooked more animated. “No way. Can I have a baby?”
“Sure. As longas you have a proper enclosure for it and can manage thefeeding.”
Zelle paused,her beautiful face contorted. “Frozen thawed, right?”
“Maybe. I amgoing to try, but these little guys like to constrict prey, andthat means they may need live.”
“Ew.” Zellewrinkled her petite and charming nose. Everything about Zelle wasstunning. If she weren’t so nice, it would be really annoying.
Venka looked atthem. “Holy shit. Now that I see you side by side, you arerelated.”
Lya and Zellelaughed. They both looked at her and said in unison, “Youthink?”
Venka laughed,and they chatted while Zelle got her nails turned into goldenclaws. Zelle asked, “Where are you going after this?”
Venka checkedthe time. “I think we will hit a few shops and then head home.”
Zelle smiled.“If you want to go to any of the establishments owned by Lady Fen,I get a helluva discount.”
Venka smiled.“Would you accompany us?”
“Sure. Me andmy flying thugs.” Zelle sighed. “Tormenting Lady Fen’s family isnow officially a hobby.”
“Oh, I am notthe proper size for an omega. Too big, too loud, too fixated onescaping.”
Venka paused.“You escaped?”
“Yeah. He madethe mistake of going off for some meetings and leaving me alone.Out the window and down the drainpipe and across the lawn. I gotinto the trees as quickly as I could, and from there, I stuck tothe forest belt, coming out to find food and water, and then backinto the trees.”
Venka asked,“How long were you loose?”
Zelle smirked.“A month. He only had me for two days before I got free.”
Lya grinned. “Igot to smack an omega across the face for being disrespectful toTamara.”
Zelle gasped.“Which bitch?”
Venka murmured,“My mother. Lady Olyna.”
Zelle laughed.“Fun. I got up and walked out on Lady Fen and my alpha. The lookson the faces at the gathering. Wow.”
“When wasthis?”