Lya cocked herhead. “Well, he caused it.”

“She dodged himfor over two months.”

Lya sniffed.“She had stuff to do.”

Tamara blinked.“You had a friend staying over the garage before you got hurt.”

“Yes, I dorecall that.”

“Was itZelle?”

“It could havebeen. I got her in touch with the book club, and she found a bettersetting for a bit more time. I am guessing that that place wascompromised.”

Venka keyedinto something that no one else had. “How did she find you?”

“She has alwaysbeen able to find me. We’re cousins.”

“Wait. You arein the book club?”

Lya nodded.“Yes, I was given information by hospital staff, and I startedgoing once a week, and they helped me get stronger. And everyoneloved Tamara. When I got older, my mom took care of her that night.That was when we got into physical training, and they suggested thejob of mechanic for me. I was always good with my hands, and Ididn’t mind getting dirty. The circus training was one of theconfidence-building classes we got to take.”

Tamara blinked.“Why didn’t I know this?”

“It revolvedaround the incident, and this was something that I started when Iwas three years older than you are now. If you want to take circusclasses, we would have to agree on it. It’s a bit dangerous buttons of fun.”

Noh looked ather. “That is hardly playing it down.”

“Well, if shemesses up a drop or catch, she will be off the roster for soccer,so she has to start making decisions.”

Tamara blinked.“That isn’t fair.”

“What isn’tfair? That we can spend the next few months getting you limberenough to take the beginner’s class over the summer, or that I madeyou make a choice?”

Tamara openedher mouth and closed it with a snap. “The second one, I guess. Ican do both?”

Venka chuckled.“Only if I can do it, too. It looks like fun.”

Allor nodded.“Do they do family classes?”

Lya blinked.“Yeah. It just costs a bit extra. Why?”

Noh smiled. “Itwould be an excellent team-building experience.”

She looked athim and blushed. “Um, right. Well, I can give you the number tocall. If you want to make it more than just family, you could askDenel and Bennet and their family to come along.”

Tamara paused.“Um, no. I would like it just to be us.”

The alphas andAllor all looked happy.

Venka checkedthe time. “I am going to grab the dinner. I will be back infifteen.”

Tamarascrambled to her feet. “I’m coming, too, please.”

Venka smiled.“Ask your mom.”

Tamara smiled.“Can I go with her?”

“Yes, butVenka, no matter how much she begs, don’t let her drive.”