“Not bad. Iwill feel better when I am not restricted.” She smiled. “And whenTamara isn’t staring at me like I just grew a second head.”

“Uh, Mom. Youreyes just changed.”

Noh turned herhead and looked at her eyes. “Very pretty.”

His serpentinegaze was shining, and his pupils flexed. She saw her own eyes inhis, and there was something weird with them. “Oh, boy.”

Noh bent tokiss her neck. He straightened and said, “We should take a showerand get dressed. Allor is getting us a doctor to get you a newcast. I would prefer an x-ray, but he can make a new cast here ifnecessary.”

Lya blinked.“What?”

“He has 3Dprinters and is willing to use them.” He chuckled.

“Great. Foodand shower? Shower and food?”

“We can’t doboth at the same time, so we will feed you and then shower.”

She smiled andlooked down. “Where did this robe come from? It isn’t one ofmine.”

Venka chuckled.“It’s one of mine. Your wardrobe is sorely lacking. We will fixthat, and I know just the people if my family gives you anyproblems. I think they will fit your vibe well.” Her shouldersshook as they walked toward the kitchen. “I told my brothers andhalf-brothers about your interaction with Olyna, and they all wantto shake your hand. The one that slapped her for disrespecting yourchild.”

Lya blinked.“Oh, I had forgotten about that. Oops.”

Tamara laughedand skipped ahead to where Allor had three waffle irons going.

Lya got thefirst waffle, and Tamara got the second. The strawberries andwhipped cream were shared between the two of them, and they laughedwhen Allor pulled out a backup supply.

It was a funbreakfast, and when they were done, Noh swept her off for aleisurely shower that was careful but involved a lot of touching.He got all the spots she couldn’t reach and quite a few shecould.

She was wrappedin a towel, and her hair was towelled dry and brushed.

She shuffledout of what was her personal bathroom, and Venka was dressed andpicking through her clothing.

“How did youeven leave the house?” Venka muttered.

“I worked at agarage until my arm was broken. I have a child to maintain. I don’thave money for clothing I will trash.”

“Really? Evenyour underwear makes me wince.” Venka sighed.

“I will giveyou that one, but do you have any idea how fast young alphasgrow?”

Venka paused.“Okay. I see your point. Don’t fight me on getting you prettythings. Okay?”

Lya cocked herhead and looked at Noh. He smiled and shrugged. “Fine. You guys canget me any pretty or shiny things you like. I hope you have a goodrepair guy because I am hard on clothes and a nightmare forjewellery.”

Venka smirked.“I will take that chance.”

Noh nodded. “Aswill I. If it breaks, we will fix or replace it.”

Lya looked athim. “And you won’t be mad?”

He laughed. “Wewon’t be mad.”

Allor came inand said, “I have gotten in touch with the clinic. They are waitingfor us.”

Venka said,“Nope. None of this. Come with me, Lya.”

Lya shruggedand followed her alpha down the hallway. Venka went straight to thecloset and held up a series of clothes against her, finding anotherwrap dress. “We are going to sort out the underwear today.”