“You have noidea how long I have wanted you like this, Iris.”

“Snivellingwith post-coital regret?”

He chuckled.“Just in my arms. Oren is keeping an eye out for the boys.”

“Yeah, he’sprobably getting a brain full.”

“So, you knowthat.”

“Yeah. It’sbeen discussed.”

He squeezedher.

Iris held ontohim and breathed him in. Her sex still ached pleasantly, but itthrobbed as she rubbed her face against him and cuddled closer.

His phone rang,and he sighed and answered it. “What is it, Oren?”

“She’s abouttwo minutes from climbing over you. Just thought you would like awarning.”

“Thanks. Now,butt out.” He hung up.

Iris paused inher squirming and slowly moved away. “Sorry.”

He pulled herback against him. “I never said stop. Your scent indicated you arestill high. Ymer’s attentions can also kick someone into heat if hefocuses.”

“Did he?”

“He did.”

“He’s notgetting anything for the holidays.”

“I think healready got what he wanted.” Brexel chuckled.


“You’re notuncomfortable?”

“No. When Ifeel like this, I usually call in sick for a week.”

“Well, thatisn’t necessary. You can take advantage of any of us at any time.The boys return to school on Monday, Ymer works from home, and Orenworks around the animals’ schedule. I am setting time aside to takecare of our new mate and my fiancé.”

She blinked.“You were serious?”

“You are nottested and registered as an omega, so you are able to move throughthe world as a beta no matter what is going on in your body.”

“Why does thatmatter?”

“You have legalstanding, and the Stronghold has no gripping power on you. You areadopted, married, and, ideally, pregnant. They won’t be able to geta grip on you.”

“Especiallywith one of you guys as the father. Absolute responsibility foralphas is a hefty legal burden.”

“You arecorrect, but one we gratefully take on. When my friend and businesspartner passed, taking on their children wasn’t something Ihesitated to do. The boys are a joy to me.”

“I know. I wasthere for the start of it, but you got the hang of it. The dogshelped.”

He nodded.“Your suggestion and how Oren tied into our gathering.”

“Oh. Right.”She was unbuttoning his shirt, and when she realized what she wasdoing, she stopped.