He sighed.“From my direction, that is a very good thing.”
“You wanna havelittle babies who like snakes?”
He grinned.“Yes, but as I cannot do it, I will have to take care of you sothat you can help me with it.”
“What doesAllor want?”
“For our den tobe successful. That’s his goal.”
“I know Venkawould like one of her own but that is going to take some medicalintervention, and someone would have to give the male contributionbecause I can’t manage that part.”
“Allor. He andVenka are occasionally intimate.”
“That’s verypolite.”
He chuckled.“They are listening, so it is best I keep things polite.” Nohshowed her the monitor at his side. “So, we have something todiscuss with you. Allor will get food ready, and we can have afamily talk.”
She exhaled.“Wait. Where are my clothes?”
“There is awrap dress for you. I just have to sit up and help you into it.” Heset his tablet down. “Look how fast I go.”
He slowly satup, holding her against him so she wasn’t flailing about. Theyended up with her straddling his lap, her bare chest mashed againsthis.
She could seesnake enclosures lining the room, all full of enrichment, and thescent of humid soil was heavy in the room. She sat up and lookedfor familiar bodies.
He pivoted onthe couch and pointed across the room. “Smudge and Snowflake areover there.”
She smiled asshe saw the glowing body moving through the branches and overrocks. “Oh, wow. She looks happy.”
“She got fedyesterday. She’s very happy. The rat was less happy, but then, itwas dead.”
“That will doit.” She was leaning her head on him. “So, I am guessing that ifyou are serpent adjacent, you are venomous.”
“Oh, yes. Iwill build up your resistance a little at a time. I have alreadystarted on you.” He rubbed a thumb on her left bicep. “Just agraze, right here. You didn’t even swell.”
She looked atwhere his thumb was slowly rubbing. There were two tiny punctures,like insect bites. “Well, Smudge bites me a lot. Nips. I think it’sbecause she was hungry, but I was bringing home what I could.”
“You werehunting for your snakes?”
“Yes, humanetraps. They died quickly, but I had to feed her ten mice to equateto one rat. And she is used to rats or bunnies, so it was a bit ofeffort. I had to sell them. They wouldn’t have made it all the waythrough my recovery.”
“They can gomonths without feeding.”
“I know, and Icould have put them into brumation, but it didn’t seem fair topunish them for my failing.”
“You didn’tfail. You were struggling.”
“Uh-huh.” Shelooked up at him. “So, where was that dress?”
He leaned tothe side, and she went with him, holding on with her left hand. Hekept one arm around her and leaned back with a drape of fabric inhis hand.
“Hm, where didmy underwear end up?”
“Laundry orrecycle bin. Venka couldn’t decide. One of her aunts is a designer,and she will take you there for fittings.”
“Can’t I justwear sweats until I am strong enough to sew myself a few outfitswith leather?” As she spoke, he carefully moved the cast throughthe arm hole on her right and then set her left in place. Sheslipped off him and stood, waiting for him to tie the inner tie,and then he tied the wrap around her and smiled.
“It lookspretty.”