Iris was pinnedto him and panting. His fingers slipped and slid over her clit, andeventually, an orgasm swept through her.
She closed hereyes, and he pulled her down as she shuddered and twitched.
It took her afew attempts to speak, and she muttered, “You have a doll castle inthe woods?”
He chuckled. “Ihad it built when I bought the place a few years ago. If I ever hada pack, I needed a place to hide.”
She flexed herhips, and he was still stuck. “I can’t imagine why?”
“It was becauseI couldn’t imagine you.”
She looked athim. “That’s cheezy.”
“I am veryaffectionate right now.”
“Great. Justglad you aren’t in battle mode, or things could have very strangeoptics.”
He grinned. “Iwould protect you.”
“If you everget in a fight while knotted to me, I am going to rip your dick offand make a run for it.”
He stroked ahand down her back. “I don’t think it will grow back, but if itkeeps you safe, you can have it.”
She grinned.“Why does my mind imagine a collection, and why is Oren freakingout?”
“They can’tfind you. He can feel you, but they can’t find this hideaway.”
“Oh, that’s alittle rude.”
He laughed. “Itlets me stay here with you until nature allows us to uncouple.”
“My own bodyweight is making that difficult.”
Ymer chuckled.“I know.”
He laughed, andshe slipped slightly around him. He went deeper, and a grunt camefrom her throat.
She heard afamiliar sound and said, “Uh-oh.”
He looked ather with heavy-lidded eyes. “What?”
“The dogs arecoming.”
“Well, then,Pet, you had better get off.”
She muttered,“I can’t feel my legs.”
He gripped herthighs and lifted her off him, sending a slurry onto his lap.
“I don’tsuppose you have a shower here?”
“Of course.What hideyhole wouldn’t be complete without a shower?”
He got to hisfeet and took her with him. She felt the dripping and looked athim. “Were you saving up for something?”
He glanced downat her. “When we have all had our fill, I am going to take you overmy knee. You are far too chatty during sex.”