Ymer nodded.“The cleaning crews have taken care of most of the rooms. The mainthing to populate is the nest, and that will be later thisafternoon. Iris, did you want to go for a walk to see thewilderness we have dropped you into?”

“Sure. I don’twant to be underfoot with the cleaner swarm happening.”

He nodded. “Ofcourse. This way.” He took her hand and led her out with the othersfollowing.

She steppedalong with him, and he showed the kitchen on the way out. “We arehiring a housekeeper. Our schedules are all very different.”

“Cool, so I cango back to work?”

“Hah. Funny.Now that the Stronghold knows you exist, they are not going to stophunting you.”

“Delightful.Hey, I could go to my dad’s place in the islands. Trust me. Anyonethat white would be spotted a mile away.” She smirked. “And eatenby a shark.”

“Your dad?”

“Yeah, when mymom was single, she met a very nice man who took her on andintroduced her to his enormous family. When I was six, I joined theKillingtons. My dad is on my new birth certificate. He adopted hislittle snowflake, and his family wrapped around me.” Iris smiled.“I grew up surrounded by love. I know it when I see it, and I sawit with Brexel and the boys.”

“That is whyyou worked for him.”

“Correct. Theywere all so lost. It was an ego boost to be there for them.”

They left thehouse, and she inhaled the scent of the green outdoors. “You know,we are going to have to visit my family on the island and introduceyou guys. My brother will be freaked out and delighted all inone.”

“You haven’ttold them yet?”

“No. Not untilthings have been... uh... formalized.”

“Ah, yes.Formalities. I do love the formalities.” He chuckled. “So, there isthe pool, the hot tub, down the hill are the gardens. The foothillsare part of our property and will be fun for the boys to run aroundon, as will the trees.” He pointed. “Archery range is over there.Golf course is over there. It is only nine holes but fun if youlike that sort of thing.”

“Wow. So, asidefrom groceries, you would never have to leave if you had the moneyto pay the bills.”

“Well, then, itis a good thing that money is attracted to me.” He smiled.

The dogsbarking got her attention, and she turned to see Juno and Jupiterbearing down on them.

She held outher hand and said, “Easy. I am not going anywhere this time.”

They slowedtheir gallop and fell in step next to her, Jupiter pressing hishead against her thigh.

Ymer chuckled.“They love you.”

“I raised them.The first two years for a puppy are like the first decade for ababy. The boys were at school, and Brexel was at work. I was theonly one left for them to bond to.”

“But you goteveryone on the same track.”

“It took myentire two years, but the communication was finally set, and theboys felt stable. I was offered that job, and then it all went tohell.”

“So, what areyou going to do with a master’s in sociology?”

“I have noidea. Maybe follow what my great-grandmother wanted me to do anduse it to catch myself a man.”

“Another one?Greedy.”

She chuckled.“Maybe I will embrace not having a job until I becomerestless.”

“We can findsomething for you to do.”

“Fucking aroundthe clock sounds fun until you realize the practicalities ofgetting two kids to school.”