Lya answered.“The appropriate rituals for that have not been completed for twoyears, so... not a chance.”
The doctorlooked around. “Well, then, I am glad this happened when itdid.”
She squirmed tosit up. “You really think that if I had two alphas watching over methat the break would have happened in the first place?”
The doctorblushed. “Right. And a new GP has been found for her?”
Venka nodded.“Yes. There is one that my family favours. She has an appointmenton Wednesday.”
“Yay.” Lyachuckled.
Tamara held thebag of prescriptions. Venka smiled and said, “We will be on our waythen.”
“Wait, miss,you competed on the Alphas versus Betas?”
“Yup. A coupleof months ago. The theme is intelligence under pressure. Don’tworry. We still dangle off buildings.”
The doctorasked, “I don’t suppose you could tell me who won?”
“The winner.”She shrugged.
He sighed.“Well, I look forward to watching it. You rarely get to see the twodesignates go head-to-head.”
“What makes itfunny is that in each of the competitions, there has been a stealthomega.” She chuckled.
The doctorlooked at her. “Right. Well, I may or may not put a bet down onyou. I have seen the promotional stills they are putting out onyou, and you are very impressive when healthy.”
She snorted.“Gee. Thanks.” She started wiggling herself off the bed, but Nohjust exhaled and picked her up.
Venka took herrobe and folded it over her arm, and they left the hospital.
Lya tried tokeep her head up for a bit but then dropped onto Noh’s shoulder. Hewas so fricking warm that images of herself draped across him nakeddanced through her mind. In her thoughts, she wasn’t in the samecondition as she was now, but she still had the cast on in herimagination. Impatient. A new figure entered her imagination, andshe gasped. Venka was both muscled and lithe all in one.
Noh murmured,“Did you nod off?”
“Uh, no.Daydreaming. Just surprised myself.” Her voice was soft and husky,but she caught the slight scent of arousal. “Sorry.”
Noh chuckled.“Don’t apologize. Tamara is scent-blind to it, so you don’t need toworry.”
Tamara turnedand said, “Scent-blind to what?”
“To yourmother’s scent of arousal.”
Venka laughed.“You get used to it. My mother has six alphas and nearly two dozenchildren.”
Lya stayedleaning against Noh as her daughter was given a rundown on standardfamily dynamics when an omega was the centre of the family.
Venka smiled.“You are about to have a tremendous amount of cousins, Tamara. Theyhave all been raised with family rules toward omegas, so you aregoing to have to learn fast. Are you up for the challenge?”
She nodded. “Iam. So, what do I need to know?”
“Omegas haveweaker immune systems and are the outlet for the softer emotions.We focus our love on them, and they help to display our sadness,frustration, or joy. They are allowed and encouraged to do so. Theyalso give the alphas children with little effort.”
Lya almostdisputed that, but Noh tightened his hand on hers.
Tamara askedthe heartbreaking question. “Can female alphas have babies?”