“Lya or Lemara.I won’t even tell you how much I have missed my name.”

Venka noddedand leaned over to kiss her forehead. “If I need to take her towork out some frustration, you are okay with it?”

“Yes. Whateverit takes to make her feel grounded.” Lya smiled. “Thank you.”

“It will workitself out, sweet.” Venka smiled. “I know how to handle afrustrated young alpha, and so does my family.”

Lya was fadingfast but squeezed Tamara’s hand. “Feel what you need to feel, butcome back to me.”

Tamaraswallowed and nodded, leaving Lya with the tech who was tidying up,the doctor, and Nohehl.

Lya settledback on the exam table and closed her eyes. “So, what is thegeneral prognosis?”

The doctorcleared his throat. “We need to get that arm reset today. I am justwaiting for an anesthetist to work with us.”

Lya chuckled.“Five more minutes, and I will be out.”

“Try to stayawake. I need to ask a few questions. Were there stitches after theassault?”

“Yes. Front toback.”

There was anangry hiss.

“Have youexerted yourself recently?”

“Yes. I was ona survival show. Alphas versus Betas. I think the ads start thisweek.”

The doctorfrowned. “Last week. They started last week for subscribers. Wait.Which one are you?”

“Beta T.”

The doctorwhipped out his phone, and she heard the music that heralded theshow. Nohehl looked over his shoulder and then glanced at her. “Youare a mechanic?”

“By training. Iapprenticed out of high school. Leatherworking is a hobby.”

“And you arekeyed to Elite for reproduction?”

“Apparently. Iused to be a perky pale blonde with bright blue eyes. Sort of likeIris but three inches shorter than she is now.”

“So, heassaulted a child.”

“Oh, yeah.Apparently, the Stronghold had him destroyed. Too dangerous totheir young.” She opened her eyes a slit, and Nohehl was sittingnext to her, his hand on her arm. “They gave me meds at thehospital, but it didn’t work. Tamara came into the world in a homebirth so we could do the legal switch and the Stronghold wouldn’tcome for her.”

Nohehl strokedher shoulder. “You did the best you could. You were a childyourself.”

“Yeah, well,you grow up fast in that situation. I just never want Tamara tothink she wasn’t wanted. As soon as I healed and made my changes,she was very much wanted.”

“What kind ofchanges?”

“Most women inmy family are five-five. I knew I needed to be bigger, so I mademyself bigger, wider. There was weird energy left in my body, so Iused it.”

He chuckled.“Very clever. Very smart for someone so young.”

A soft knock atthe door brought a harried-looking woman who stared at Lya insurprise. “Oh, my god. You are still alive.”

Lya smiled.“Surprise.”

The doctorlooked up. “Please explain, Harris.”