She pulled herhand back and wiped the tears that had formed. “I noticed. Brexelmade pancakes. I know you probably ate, but I haven’t.”
Bennet smiled,but there was surprise in his gaze. “You didn’t call him boss.”
Iris winced andlooked at Brexel. He looked smug. “Uh, that is because I no longerwork for him?”
Denel turnedher around and pushed her toward the house. “You don’t soundconvinced. Work on that.”
Iris ignoredBrexel’s grin and returned to the kitchen, where Ymer was talkingon the phone. She got a plate from the stack and loaded her platewith three of the head-sized pancakes.
She covered thepile with butter and syrup, grabbed utensils, and headed for thedining room table. The boys sat next to her, one on eitherside.
Bennet askedquietly, “Why are you back?”
“I was beingfollowed, and I came here to hide.” Honesty was best.
Denel noddedand got her a napkin. “So, why are you calling Dad Brexel?”
“That is hisname, isn’t it?” She ate methodically, wishing that she had gottenenough of her focus together to grab a coffee.
A darkly tannedhand set a cup of coffee with cream in front of her. She looked upand saw Oren. “Oh, thanks.”
He smiled. “Noproblem.”
Denel asked,“Uncle Oren, why is she here?”
“Ah, she hasagreed to be a mate to your father, myself, and Ymer.”
Bennet grinned.“We get to keep her?”
Hugs flew infrom either side, and Iris sat there looking at Oren. “Thanks forthat.”
Bennet liftedhis head and prodded at her neck. “Who did that?”
Bennetchuckled. “That tracks.”
Denel leanedin, “Right, so Mom, Bennet and I like a girl, but she has aproblem.”
“What kind ofproblem?” She ignored the designation he had just given her.
“I don’t know.She won’t tell us. I think her sister might be neglecting her orsomething. I know it has to do with family.”
She sighed.“How old is her sister?”
Bennet said,“Late twenties. Tamara is twelve.”
“Of course.This is too much of a coincidence. Let me guess. Stuff that sheused to be able to do she can’t do anymore due to finances?”
Denel paused,“Yeah. That’s mainly it.”
She sighed.“Not all people are able to spend what they like and pay whatever.Most have to budget. To look at their monthly bills and do the mathon whether they can eat for the rest of the month. I am guessingthat that is the position her sister is in.”
Bennetmuttered, “An alpha broke the sister’s arm. Now she’s off workuntil it heals.”
Denel shrugged.“She should have had savings.”