“I have no ideahow to take that.”
Oren snorted.“Take it as a compliment. Ymer is extremely fussy.”
Ymer shrugged.“I prefer particular. Fussy implies an infant or a small dog.”
Brexel sighed.“Iris, do you accept us as candidates for your mate?”
“Um. Given thelong line of others? Sure.” She looked at them one by one. “Willyou deal with my father so that I don’t have to?”
Brexel and theothers grinned, and as one, they said, “Absolutely.”
Iris lookedaround. Wow, that’s a lot of fangs. They looked eager forthe conflict.
Ymer stated,“So, these terms are acceptable to you?”
“Um, oh. Right.Yes. I suppose that my standard options are limited.”
Oren chuckled.“I will take that as a resounding agreement. I suppose we just needto ratify the connection.”
“What?” Irisstared as they got up and walked around the table to her. “What’sgoing on?”
“We need toseal the agreement. Sex is traditional, but you have had a roughnight, so we will settle for a kiss.” Brexel smiled. “Each.”
“Nice use ofspecifics,” she muttered. She stepped onto the chair seat, andBrexel grinned as they were face to face.
His handscupped her face. “Speaking of specifics, there will be a tinylittle blood exchange.”
Her eyes wentwide as he pulled her in for a kiss, and it started fast, sendingher pulse pounding and making her gasp. He tasted hungry. All foodand water were gone, and Brexel was all that was left.
His handscradled her head, and their eating kiss went on and on, hot, wetslides of his tongue and her frantically trying to press herselfagainst him. Something was holding her arms.
She felt mouthson her. Not just the kiss. There was slow licking on her left wristand hot sucking on the right side of her neck, just below Brexel’sfingers. She whimpered and listened to the humming of her body asshe was crowded with heat on all sides. The sharp tang of bloodjoined the heat of the kiss, but it wasn’t hers. The needle burnagainst her lip matched with two hot piercings at her wrist andneck.
On the heels ofpain was a rush of pleasure from three points, and she shookviolently in their grip, the throbbing between her thighs hot andrhythmic. Weirdest path to an orgasm ever. If they had to doeverything in threes, things would rapidly become ridiculous.
The pleasurewas weird. It met, melded, and settled in against her bones and onher skin.
Brexel liftedhis head, his chest moving rapidly. “How are you?”
She felt threemen tense while they waited. “Fine. I might have sprained my tonguethough.”
Brexel slumpedin relief and pressed his forehead to hers. “I think practice wouldhelp with that.”
“My knees are alittle weak. I think I might want to get off the chair. Ymer, doyou want to unlock your jaw?”
He grunted andsucked again. Her fingers and toes curled. She felt the hot slickat the top of her thighs and sighed. She reached up, slid herfinger into Ymer’s mouth, and released the suction. “Thanks for theenormous hickey.”
He slowlylifted his head and sucked on her finger. She felt his tongueswirling slowly around her digit, and she pulled free with a slightturn of her head toward Oren. “I am not a chew toy, Oren.”
He rolled hiseyes to her and released his bite, licking her skin softly. Ithealed while she watched.
She looked atBrexel. “So, nap or popcorn? Frankly, I am up for the nap.”
Brexelchuckled. “So, you roll over and go to sleep?”
“After I haverecovered from being shot in the head after five in themorning?”
He winced andpicked her up. “Excellent point. Come on.”