Iris and Brexel movedaround the dance floor, and she smiled. “Are you prepared for theriot you have authorized?”

He chuckled.“Of course. I dreamed of you coming back to me and had no idea itwould involve you leaping over my wall.”

“Uh, have youheard anything about my bio father?”

“The price isoff your head. I will deal with the rest.”

“Why did hesend them anyway?”

“The flow ofElite concubines has slowed to a trickle. They are gettingdesperate to keep their warriors soothed.”

“Oh. Ew.”

He nodded.“Yeah. You only have three of us to play with, and your mom lovesus.”

“Yeah. Shereally signed on quickly. It made my head spin. We still have to goand meet them. So are the passports ordered?”

He chuckled.“You still think we need passports? We can transport there and backwithout issue.”

“Yes.Eventually, the boys are going to start going on school trips. Theywill need passports. So, photos for everyone and paperwork. Wedon’t need it for the first visit, but if we ever want to travelwith people outside of your social circle, we will need them.”

He nodded.“Fine. School trips are looming.”

She sighed.“And there are twenty more people for the party tomorrow. Denel ishaving a lot of fun with the cousins in his age range, and some arejust one year above or below them.”

Brexel grinned.“So, your friend’s family is a boon to ours. Noted. Is Lya’sdaughter having a good time?”

“Yes. I thinkVenka is an excellent role model for what a female alpha can bewith a solid family group around her.”

Iris looked forthe young alpha in question, and Venka was introducing her around.Even Lady Olyna was looking thoughtfully at the pride in the olderalpha’s attitude. There was pride in Venka’s shoulders when sheintroduced her new daughter around. If the serious man and hisalpha and infant son were any examples, Tamara was beingwell-received and hugged a lot. Lya’s new family was off to a goodstart, and the girls were finally getting the support they neededand snakes. Plenty of snakes.

When the songwas over, she danced with Oren and Ymer. To her surprise, Denelasked to dance with her and then Bennet.

After she haddanced with her family, they went to get some food, nudging upagainst Lya and Tamara at the buffet. “So, overwhelmed,Tamara?”

Tamara smiled,and it was a smile with growing confidence. “I can deal with it.They are welcoming and friendly and are coming to Mom’s party onMonday night as you are supposed to celebrate omegas. Even my newOma.”



“Oh, shit. Showher the snake room.” Iris grinned.

“I will.”

Iris lookedaround again with her plate in hand and found a patio where womenwere gathered and seated with their food.

Iris walkedover, and Zelle smiled. “Iris, take a load off. This is Lexa, andthis is her daughter Hailey.”

Hailey wasstaring at Zelle.

Iris nodded toLexa and nibbled at some food. “Hailey, why are you staring atZelle?”

Lexa smiled.“Zelle is too pretty. Hailey always runs around bragging that I amthe prettiest omega, but now, she has concrete proof that it is nottrue. She’s dealing with a cognitive adjustment.”

Zelle laughedsoftly. “It’s just a face. Mind you, if Kaiyun wasn’t so pretty,this might not have ended this way.”

Iris chuckled.“Lya has filled me in.”