That was it.Her cousin didn’t ask for more.

They talkedabout Tamara, and when the time was right, they boarded the planewith the other contestants.

Wearing theirclothing and having their preselected tools with them, they werethere for the briefing of the race.

Everyone wasgiven the components of the vehicle of their choice and a map tothe final challenge.

“Zelle, becauseyou aren’t using a motor vehicle, we have a special challenge foryou. You have two followers, and if they tag you three times, youare out.”

Zelle jolted.“What?”

Two men in camoand brown T-shirts came out. They had black hair and gold-browneyes.

“These twoalphas will give you a three-hour head start, and then they arecoming for you. They will put an indelible ink mark on you, and ifthey catch you three times, you are out.”

“Fine.” Shesettled her pack on her shoulders and double-checked her bootlaces.

Lya smiled.“You’ve got this.”

She recognizedavians when she saw them, so she was going to keep below the trees.It would be rough, but she would manage. She had already taken alook at everything around her, from the drones to the clothing theothers were wearing. Like her, Lya had opted for leather, which wasimpractical in the island heat but perfect for what they had inmind.

Zelle smiled,and when she was given her go signal, she ran five hundred metresdown the road, and then she dove into the jungle and followed hermap.

Zelle had twomarks on her cheeks, but the goal was in sight. She saw theultralight that Lya had put together, but Zelle was using thealternative device she had created out of stolen drones and ascavenged parachute. She was flying with a slow fall, and it wasglorious.

She swungslowly from left to right and ahead of Lya by five seconds.

She laughed,and she and Lya hugged as the remaining alphas arrived by sea.

The crew andcast did final interviews, and then it was time for a party with areturn to civilization in the morning.

Around thefire, with everyone except her and Lya drinking, Zelle smiled atFord. “So, are we getting you home in good time?”

Ford nodded andsat near them. “Yes, you are. Well done, by the way. We wonderedwhat was happening to those drones.”

She chuckled.The alphas that had been pursuing her walked up to them and lookeddown.

Ford sighed.“What does he want?”

“He wants totalk to you.”

“Great. Zelle,we will talk later. Have something to drink.”


Zelle and Lyashared a tent for the final night. They were in a camp full ofintoxicated alphas, and that was not a safe place to be.

At dawn thenext day, Zelle and Lya grabbed their bags and hung out near thevehicles that would take them to the airport.

That was whereshe had started puking.

After leavingthe restroom for the second time, she looked at her cousin. “Lya, Ithink I may have done something stupid.”

“We can handlestupid. I will take care of you.”

Zelle feltbetter and leaned against her, exhausted and empty. They got on theflight, and Zelle wasn’t the only one barfing. The party had beenquite intense, and hangovers were common. The paper baggies wereplentiful, and the flight was quiet.

Lya hoardedthree cups of ice and cans of ginger ale for her, and Zelle wasgrateful. They got through the flight with dry heaving, and Zelleobserved. “You must be great with Tamara when she’s sick.”