Lya rubbed herforehead. “No, you will not. We were competing, and I wasn’t youromega then. I was just a woman who was trying to get a charity somefunding. I used the pure rush of it to work through some of theguilt about my mother’s death. I wished I had been able to do more,and this particular situation gave me a chance to work some shitout.”
She looked atNoh. “You know, like you were afraid for the me of a few months agowho obviously came out of things just fine. It was life here thatwas dangerous.”
Noh opened hismouth and then closed it with a snap. He muttered, “How wasSmudge?”
“No retainedeggs and glad for the bath. She’s owed a warmed rat.”
He laughed. “Iwill attend to it.”
Tamara smiled.“That is the part of the snakes I didn’t miss.”
Lya sighed. “Inever made you feed them.”
“No, but it wasweird to watch.”
Noh got up, andAllor said, “It’s set up near the incubator.”
“Thanks. Don’tget up.”
“Oh, I won’t.”Allor chuckled. He wrapped his arms around her hips and buried hisface in her hair.
Tamara gasped.“Did you just send Noh to feed your snake?”
Lya looked atthe screen and muttered, “Technically, he is feeding his ownsnake.”
Allor murmuredin her ear, “I have been doing that for a few days.”
Lya elbowedhim. “Keep things PG13.”
He laughed,turned her head, and kissed her. “So, what are you going to wear toschool tomorrow?”
“Me or Tamara?Tamara has a uniform.”
Venka smiled.“You will be coming along with us and introducing yourself to thestaff. The principal is Delun’s sister. After that, I am going totake you for that day of pampering my mother insisted on.”
Lya looked ather hands and then at Allor. “Oops. Forgot.”
He smiled. “Itisn’t a problem. There will be other days, other nights.”
Lya cocked herhead. “What are we having for dinner? If it is takeout, it shouldbe Tamara’s choice.”
Allor smiled.“Sure. Whatever she wants.”
Tamara tickedthings off on her fingers. “Fried chicken from Buckies, mashedpotatoes, gravy, corn, salad, and cherry soda. Mom wants the friedfish from there.”
Venka grinned.“I haven’t eaten at Buckies in years.”
“It’s been justover two months for me and Mom.” Tamara asked, “So, can we?”
Venka nodded.“We can.”
It was settled,and when the wait was ninety minutes, Allor picked Lya up and said,“That’s enough time to get a start. Noh is close enough forassistance if it is needed.”
Tamara asked,“Where are you going?”
Allor called,“To work up an appetite.”