“Oh, yes. She’safraid of our Lya. She is going to offer her the respect of ourden’s omega, but there aren’t going to be a lot of visits fromher.” Venka smoothed Lya’s snowy hair. “She might change her mindwhen I present her with a granddaughter.”
Lya mumbled,“Delun mentioned. I say okay.” She rubbed her cheek againstNoh.
Venka chuckled.“So, it looks like I get my daughter and an alpha at that.”
“What didTamara think?”
“When I toldher that it would make it easier for me to interact with herschool, her sports, and her other training, as well as give heraccess to my enormous family, she was all for it.”
Noh chuckled.“She heard about the birthday parties?”
“She did.Something about twenty cousins and more second cousins, who aremostly alphas, is also appealing. It hurts to know they have beenon their own for so long.”
“They had Lya’smother until two years ago.”
Venka sighed.“Do you think the Stronghold really destroyed him?”
“No, but I knowthat he is dead.”
“How do youknow that?”
“Because Ikilled him last night.” Noh smiled. “He had no tolerance for venom.We might want to work on that with Tamara.”
She smiled. “Wewill work on it under medical supervision. Iris has a healer,doesn’t she?”
“Yes, Oren isvery good at it. Do you want to get den photos when she hascompletely recovered?”
“Absolutely. Itis the least my brother’s beta can do.” She smiled.
“We have toplan a party.” Noh smiled.
“We have to gether some jewellery. That’s how the omegas in my family showdominance.” Venka chuckled softly.
They discussedplans for the birthday on the following Monday. Venka was going toinvite her side of the family, and Noh would contact his side andtheir omegas and betas. Hopefully, a few could make it.
* * * *
When Lya was showered,dressed, and watching the snakes, she let a tear trickle from hereye. Listening and not reacting had taken superhuman effort. Shehad suspected that the bastard was still alive. Her soul relaxedknowing she would never have to face that monster again, and Tamarawouldn’t meet him either.
She smiled atthe confirmation that the Omega Centre had been behind her brokenarm. Apparently, that fellow had two arms to match her one and aconcussion from chatting with Allor.
Lya wiped thetear and went to check on Smudge. She opened the enclosure andlifted the log that Smudge was under. There they were. Eight fat,white, round eggs shaped in a pyramid and wrapped in a snake.
“Aw, sweetie,you have done so well. I will get Allor or Noh. They know where allthe stuff is.”
She put the logback over the snake and closed the enclosure. Humming, she headeddownstairs and found everyone in the living room.
The image ofher shoving her ultralight off a cliff and climbing in as it fellhad them all silent. The engine roared to life, and she flew towardthe final gate while others were taking the water route. Six hadstarted, five were finishing, and they were all aiming for the samegoal. The music was tense, loud, and full of energy.
“Uh, I made itthrough the show if anyone wonders.” Lya smiled. “And Smudge hasfinished laying, so she needs help with her eggs.”
Four stunnedfaces turned toward her, and she paused. “Is there an issue withthe blessed event?”
Allor got upand turned her to face the hall as he walked her out of the roomand murmured, “I have everything ready for the arrival. They aredigesting some of the clips that Ford offered to Venka. More indetail than the commercial spots.”
“Oh, that darkblue blabbermouth is going to pay.”
Allor laughed.“You are a bit more of a daredevil than your mild-mannered exteriorwould indicate.”