“She has athree-inch gash in her scalp from nearly catching a bullet. Twoweeks seems likely.”
“Done. Ihave put it through the system. Keep me posted, and call uppermanagement if you need to.”
“I would have,but I hear he has a family now. I didn’t want to wake anyone.”
“So, youcalled me.”
“I know yourschedule.” Brexel chuckled.
“Ah. True.Well, Pet is well loved here. Employees and clients, as well, enjoyher perky charm. Management will take an interest.”
“Will you keepme posted, or shall I ask directly?”
“Oh, I amsure they will want to talk to her.”
“They will haveto contact me. I am... worried for her.”
Ymer paused.“I see. Any particular reason, sir?”
“She took careof the children. She took care of me. I am attached.” He sighed.“And the dogs love her.”
“Oh. Shit.Those dogs?”
“Well, shedoes get along with everyone.” Ymer huffed. “I will sendmessages starting with the management and down to the bouncers anddancers. We will soon see who knows what. Keep her safe, and I willtake care of the rest.”
“I will need tobe involved when you track things down.”
“Not if Iget there first. Pet always remembered to bring me coffee at one inthe morning and again before she left. She’s very good atcaretaking.”
Brexel snorted.“Don’t get any ideas. She’s a beta.”
“You aresure about that?”
He paused andlooked at the small phone with a picture of Iris and the dogs. Shestill had it as her background four years later. “I am sure. Shewas here for two years and didn’t show any signs ofadaptation.”
“Huh.Interesting. Staring into those big lilac eyes of hers ishypnotic.”
Brexel paused.“Her eyes are dark green.”
“She wearscontacts. Her eye colour is lilac.” Ymer chuckled. “Seemsyou should know that.”
“Wait. What isher hair colour? The normal one?”
“White. Shedyes it weekly.”
Brexel endedthe call with, “I will be in touch, Ymer. Bye.”
He rushed intothe blue room and walked up to the bed. He looked down at her hair,and under the blood, he saw white. He moved silently and checkedthe bathroom garbage, and two contact lenses were crumpled at thebottom of the bin.
He nearly fellon his ass. He had done a full search on her when he hired her as ananny. She had medium brown hair and dark green eyes. Her skin waspaler with a pearly finish that he hadn’t seen while looking at theblood.
He checked thealarm and saw there were still forty minutes to go before he neededto wake her. They were going to have a chat.
He carefullyeased the door mostly closed. He looked at Juno. “Keep her company,little girl.”
There was ahuff, and Juno nosed her way into Iris’s side.