She deeplyregretted doing that to him, but seeing him one more time was kindof nice. Her head throbbed, and she realized she might have aconcussion.
“Thank you forthis, but—oh, thank you, Juno.” The dog brought her purse in, butIris couldn’t grab it.
She wiggled thefingers in Brexel’s hand. “I need to grab my purse. I willreimburse you for the medical supplies and pay for an extra day forthe gardener to get the blood out of the grass.”
Oren snorted.“A solid rain will take care of that. Are you in a hurry to besomewhere?”
“I came here ina panic. There were limited options, and I guessed I could outrunthem and get up the wall in time. Nearly made it.” She reallywanted to touch her head.
“Why did heshoot you?”
She winced. “Imay have kicked him in the groin when he pulled me off thewall.”
Brexel sighed.“I commend your bravery.”
“Sheer panic. Ihave walked home from that club two dozen times. This is the firsttime anything has ever happened.”
Brexel staredat her. “Are you mentally damaged?”
She felt herlower lip and started to cry again. “Today, yes.”
Jupiter startedwhining again and butted his head against her hand. Brexel sighed.“In a moment, Jupe. I need to clean under her nails. When did youstart wearing long nails?”
She blinked andlooked down at her hands. “Uh, it’s complicated.”
At what pointdid she tell him that she had been blacklisted from the childdevelopment field of study. She wasn’t in research; she was acocktail waitress at a strip club. No one in her circle knew. Themoney was good, the tips were excellent, and while she didn’t makeas much as the dancers, she made her rent and had enough forsavings.
The nails werepart of her costume, and she had just left them on for tonight’sparty.
“Well, you aregoing to the first guestroom. We will check on you on the hour. Iam sure that the Js will be close if you need them.”
“I think Ishould really get to a hospital.” Iris swallowed. “You have donemore than enough.”
Oren looked ather. “Your pupils are even. Speech is clear. Track my finger.”
He moved hisgloved hand back and forth. She flicked her eyes left andright.
“You probablyhave a helluva headache, but you are doing very well. The wound wassuperficial.”
“It doesn’tfeel superficial.” She reached up to touch it, but the boss grabbedher hands and held them.
“Three incheslong with fourteen stitches. It is a nasty wound, and you will needto brush your hair carefully until it heals.”
She blinkedagainst the pain. “How long will that be?”
“Ten days totwo weeks if you are careful.”
Iris blinked.“Fuck me.”
Oren chuckled.“Well, you aren’t up for it now, but when you are feeling better, Iwill be interested.”
The bossgrowled. “Shut it, Oren.”
The vetlaughed. “Well, she offered.”
“Uh, if you twowant to take a moment and discuss, I can just make my way out so Ican rest.”
The bosssnorted and leaned in to pick her up. “Come on. Let’s get you tobed. I think I still have a baby monitor I can use to keep track ofyou.”