Six years andsix months ago, his business partner had passed away with herhusband. Their twin boys had no one else to live with. No family,no other friends. Brexel remembered what that felt like and offeredto take them in. He had no idea what he was doing, so he advertisedfor a nanny, and after five interviews, a set of dark green eyeshad captured him, and she spoke softly to him about the kids andbeing uprooted, losing all the tethers in their lives. She hadtalked about how he could alter his behaviour to make the kids feelsecure, and when she smiled and shook his hand, she told him thatshe could only spare two years, and by then, they would be readyfor the world. She had been right. She helped them see that theworld was spinning without them, that they were part of it, and thechildren learned it, too.

He watched thetears well, and needing something to do, he got a clean cloth andcarefully washed her hand. “Now, Iris, who sold you?”

“What?” Shockand pain were in her expression.

Oren was movingas fast as he could, closing her scalp with neat stitches.

“Someone soldyou. It was the reason for the capture attempt. Was it family?”

She blinked,and tears slowly moved down her cheeks. “Um, no. I don’t know whoit was. Can you do that? Just sell someone you know?”

Oren trimmedoff the last stitch. “It happens. Usually, there is a connection.Lover, perhaps?”

“No. Definitelynot.” Iris twisted her lips. “That ship hasn’t sailed; it’s indrydock. My exes all have significant others.”

Brexel sighedsilently in relief. He had to ask, “Why did you come over mywall?”

“Because Ineeded to hide, and given the day and the likelihood of you beinginside and relaxing while the dogs patrol, I knew I had backup if Ijust got over that wall, and I did.”

Oren put gauzepads down, took a roll of gauze, and started wrapping her head withit. “Good girl for holding still.”

She grimaced.“You are the vet, right?”

He chuckled.“You remember.”

“Boss got thepuppies from you.”

“He did.Rescues from a fighting ring.”

Jupiter wasstill whining with worry, pressed against Iris’s leg. Juno waslying down nearby.

Iris smiled.“Yes, they are vicious when they have to be.”

He carefullygot dirt out of her knuckles. “They did a good job this evening.They get steak tomorrow.”

She asked,“When do the boys come back?”


“Ah. Juno, mypurse is in the garden. Can you bring it?”

Juno sat up andbolted out through the large dog door, eager to be of service.

Oren smiled.“Can I get you training dogs at my clinic?”

“I alreadytrain service dogs in my spare time.” Iris tried to touch thebandage, and Oren took her hand.

He got anothercloth and set about cleaning her fingers.

* * * *

Iris’s head waspounding, she wanted to cry for the millionth time, and two alphaswere racing to see which of them could get the dirt out of herskin. She wasn’t going to mention her knees. The mental image thatwould stir was staggering.

Her parkourdays had ended when she was sixteen, but climbing the wall was whatshe needed to do, so she did it. Every creampuff and latte had beenin her thoughts as she clawed her way up the stone. The dogs hadbeen barking when she whistled, and as she dropped after beinghauled down and shot in the head, she knew her only chance was overthat wall. She didn’t know why they wanted her, didn’t understandthe references to payment, she had to get away.

Thudding to theground, the dogs had greeted her, and she had crawled into the yardto lie in full view of the window. That had concluded her energy.The men screaming and dogs growling confirmed that she had made theright choice.

“I am sorrythat I dropped into your yard, boss.” Iris kept her voice calm.