Venka lookedaround. “Where is Delun?”

Lexa grinned.“Over at Ford’s watching the show. He gets invested. Him andGrigory both. They love watching the life-and-death struggle andfinding out who won. I am guessing the final intermission is justabout over.”

Lya and Zellelooked at each other, and Iris knew what they were thinking. “Shallwe go and watch the finale and then the reaction to Zelle gettingdisqualified?”

Zelle reachedup to stroke her firebird. “Let’s go and get commiseration becauseeverything still worked out for me.”

Lya tried tosit up, but her alpha got up, and it made Lexa’s eyes widen. “Wow.I hadn’t considered that you are an alpha, Venka.”

Venka grinned.“With Lya in my arms, I could lift a mountain.”

Lya muttered,“If you are referring to when I am pregnant, we are going to havewords.”

Venka gave hera smacking kiss on the cheek, and their group headed to the hugescreen across the green expanse.

Iris lookedover the groups of dark Elite drinking and hanging out, alphas,omegas, and betas all hanging out. Allor was talking with Ymer.

The amount ofodd betas turned omegas who had family here was huge. Sherecognized so many of them from the book club. Getting involved inthe club had been a whim, suggested by a dancer at the club. Hercontact had been relatively benign but had resulted in her beingfixated on Brexel. It might have been hormones, or it may have beenfate, but she had run to the safest place she knew, and it hadn’tdisappointed.