Tamara had beenintroduced to some of her new cousins, and she had grabbed herfriends and hauled them along.
Their two packswere talking to each other and meeting with some of the unusualalphas in the families.
“Thanks forinviting us. This seems like quite the party. I am surprised thatthere are so many dark Elite here.”
“Apparently,there are a bunch involved with the new Patchwork Pixie movie. Theyare playing the trolls.”
Ford wanderedover. “Yes, we have less than four days of shooting left. I want todo a final shot with some of the characters dancing with the crew,but no one wants to play.”
Lya closed hereyes and then opened them. “Ask your housekeeper. She knows how todance. She used to do it competitively.”
Ford wasskeptical. “You are sure?”
“I amsure.”
Ford narrowedhis eyes and looked around. “Right. I have an idea.”
Some folks werewatching the screen, but there was music and a dance floor in thecorner of the space.
Ford went insearch of an alpha, and he spoke to him. Ford grinned and headedinside, speaking with his housekeeper.
He pulled outhis phone, and she sighed and followed him. The alpha was waiting,and they spoke before the alpha took her by the hand and steeredher onto the dance floor. The music changed, and they movedtogether with a grace that was astonishing. The housekeeper movedwith the grace of a professional dancer, and Lya smiled.
Ford wasrecording as they turned and twisted together. All the woman wasmissing was a spangly outfit.
When the songwas done, she bowed and nodded to Ford before she headedinside.
Ford wasshaking his head in surprise. “Right. So you were right.”
She smiled. “Iam right more and more.”
There was amurmur, and Lady Olyna and a bunch of the aunties approached. Theyall had boxes in their hands, and some had several.
Lya murmured,“What’s going on? She looks friendly. I have never seen herfriendly.”
Venka walked upto her, and she had changed into a more formal tunic and trousersset up.
Venka wassmiling and took her hands. “My omega. You are not what I expected;you are a thousand times more. You have given me a den and a mateand a daughter all in one day.”
“You alreadyhad the den.”
“I hadroommates; you made it a home. I have been happier this week than Ihave in my life, and I am looking forward to decades with you. Myfamily has a tradition of gilding their omegas to prove to anyonethat they are worth their weight in gold. I sprang the ritual onthem, but my mother was already looking ahead. So, while you aren’tin the light shift, I think the leather dress suits youbetter.”
Lady Olynawalked forward and muttered something about welcoming a daughter.Lya bowed her head to get the first necklace, and then the game wason. The aunts and Olyna covered her with gold chains, charms, andother links. When they smiled and stepped aside, Noh and Allor werethere with heavy gem-filled links that they placed on her head andaround her neck, wrapping some around her arms and the cast.
When they weredone, Iris’s pack contributed. Other dark Elite came up, and Lya’slegs were nearly buckling with the weight.
Noh smiled.“Would you care to dance?”
“Would you careto support me? This is heavy.”
He laughed. “Ofcourse.”
They headed tothe dance floor, and Iris and Brexel did the same.
They werefriends who were now bound by the nature of their mates and theirchildren. It wasn’t a bad way to start a family.
* * * *