“Well, I am nowgoing to take on the elephant in the room. Is that a cast?”
“Oh, yeah. Iwas attacked by another alpha who cracked my orbital socket andbroke my arm. He was particularly not inclined to take no for ananswer.” She shrugged. “I got to the hospital with the break andgot an ice pack for the face. It healed badly, and I had to get itrebroken, but now, I have this fancy custom cast.” She held up herarm. “Three D printers for the win.”
“Well, you arelooking well. Congratulations on your new den.”
“Now, each ofour contestants participated in a music video with proceeds headingto their selected charity so that even those who didn’t come infirst have a chance to earn for their charity. We have seen thegentlemen and their efforts, but Lya and Zelle got together ontheirs, and the result is a lot of fun to watch.”
The videostarted rolling, and it involved a sad Lya looking at a newmotorcycle and getting shooed away from the dealership. She lookedat different points around the building with action-movieprecision, and then she took the bus to the circus school.
That is whereZelle came in, and the training montage to upbeat pop music showedoff Zelle’s physical skills and Lya’s training. By the end of thevideo, Lya and Zelle were suiting up in leather and getting readyto break into the motorcycle dealership.
The next videoshowed them using the circus skills and descending from theceiling. A figure in black rode a motorcycle down the road, and thepolice pulled them over.
Zelle removedher helmet and showed her license. Her distinctive appearance wasnot what they had been looking for. She took everything back, putit inside her jacket, and they resumed travel down the road to astorage facility.
Lya blinkedwhen a new ending took the place of one she had seen before. Herpart was the same, but Zelle left the storage facility and wiggledout of the leathers, exposing the outfit she had on right now. Astretch limo pulled up, and the door opened.
“Zelle, we aregoing to be late to the preview.” Kaiyun’s voice came from thevehicle.
She smiled andpulled the garage-style door down and locked it. “Sorry. I gotstopped.”
“Get in. I havemissed you.”
She slid in,and the door closed. The car drove away, and the vanity plate hadthe symbols for Alpha versus Beta.
There was afade to black.
Lya cheered. Itwas an excellent ending.
The showcontinued on for another thirty minutes, and then everyone hugged,and it was time to embrace their families. Lya looked at her den,and they came toward her. She darted toward them, and the hugs andlaughter were intense as Tamara talked about all the stupid anddangerous things that Lya had done.
Zelle watchedthe families, and then Kaiyun walked onto the stage and hugged her.“You did well.”
Looking at thetwo, Lya hadn’t seen a more striking couple. They were attractiveon their own, but together, they were stunning. No wonder Zelle hadgone to him that day. Her body knew it wanted pretty, and he wasdefinitely pretty.
Lya hugged Noh,Venka, and Allor, and Tamara was smiling. “Can we go forpancakes?”
Lya shook herhead. “No, but we can do a huge pancake breakfast on Sunday. It’s abusy few days for us. Tomorrow is the party at Ford’s, then thetwins’ birthday, then Sunday off, then back to school Monday.”
Noh murmured,“And then the party Monday night.”
Venka chuckled.“Suck it up, Lya. We are having another party.”
Lya wrinkledher nose. “Fine. I am just bracing myself for meeting your momagain tomorrow.”
“Don’t worryabout it. I think she knows that she’s beaten.”
Lya said, “Goodbecause if she isn’t, I will.”
Venka huggedher while giggling, which was very odd for an alpha. Allor threadedhis fingers with hers, and they headed out with a promise to be atFord’s at six the following evening.
It was about tobe a busy weekend.
Lya smiled atIris, who was trying to keep track of the boys. “Don’t worry. Thefamily is fairly anti-bullying, and the cousins are welcoming.”